Hi, Tappers: just a public service announcement. Myself and my friends are trying to make games better. In order to make games better, we want some information about how you play games.
Easy, right? If you have a minute of time today – or this week, or whenever! – there’s a couple of quick surveys I hope that you will check out.
First of all: at http://www.deathbow.com there’s a survey about romance in games, posted by games romance expert Heidi McDonald. If you’ve ever played a game with a love interest, please add your responses to this survey. She’s done this research before to fascinating results, but she’s looking for more responses with a shorter survey and the more she gets the better this will be!
If you’re not burned out after that (or, just don’t do games with love), please check out a survey I’m working on, at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/gamesmoralchoices. As you might be able to guess from the name, this is a survey about how gamers handle morality in games. If you’ve ever played a game where you had to choose between good and evil (or bad and worse), this survey is for you.
Thank you very much! Yes, the results will be some day shared, but your answers are anonymous!
Email the author of this post at aj@tap-repeatedly.com.
I did the moral choices one when you Facebooked it last week, but I’ll definitely give the romance one a bit of my time, too.
I too did the moral choices one, though my answers are probably useless because I rambled. I’ll try to be more concise with this one.
People! Go make games better!
Aw man, I was all set to tell the Deathbow story about Best of Three and Taco Fiction and Galatea and Guilded Youth and Christine Love and Cave Story and then it asked me “Do you play single-player role-playing games (e.g. Mass Effect, Skyrim, Dragon Age, I forget the other one)” and I said “no” and it KICKED ME OUT. I played about an hour of Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden! Should I go back in and pretend that counted?
@matt w – I think Heidi is looking for something pretty specific with this particular survey, but, if you want to just chat romance games with her, I can put you in touch probably.
Nah, if she’s looking for something specific I can’t help her, and if she just wants some cool text games with romance (at least kind of) you can show her the comment I just made. Also Cave Story.