There are few things that I am willing to buy immediately — Portal 2, the VVVVVV soundtrack, half price Ben & Jerry’s, a cling film dispenser — even Steam sales have trouble seducing me into their vortexes of spending. Well, add something else to that swelling list of insta-buys: XOC’s rendition of the Super Mario Bros. 3 soundtrack. I saw it, I bought it.
Things have been awfully quiet around here lately; so quiet in fact that if you listen carefully you can hear the muffled staff beatings being issued by our Overlord Steerpike deep within the bowels of the Tap-Repeatedly silo. It’s only right that I distract you from their disparaging (and hopefully short lived) whimperings with the sweet, sweet sound of music…
Since the dizzying heights of my birthday post about a month ago I’ve changed my mind on the name of this musical interlude featurette. The phrase “I can feel the epicness flowing through my balls” did originally make me laugh, but now… now it’s just a questionable YouTube comment. I feel so dirty. Anyway, since I can’t think of a witty name I’m putting the onus on you funny bastards to come up with something …
So, it’s my birthday and I’ll Tap if I want to.