It all began in the old autumn of ’22. Or as those of us in the know call it, the Autumn of Andor.
In this season’s final episode, Joel Goodwin of Electron Dance and I play arguably my favourite game of the season: 1v1 shooter Rounds, which is absolutely not a roguelite. Good grief, words matter.
This week Joel Goodwin of Electron Dance and I play Big Sir Games’ multi-tasking space station stress ’em up Cosmo’s Quickstop.
This week Joel Goodwin of Electron Dance and I play a game that combines two of our favourite things: local multiplayer ball games and… toast, in Les Crafteurs’ Toasterball.
This week Joel Goodwin of Electron Dance and I take to the several seas with paddles and turrets in tow, in Fika Productions’ Ship of Fools.
This week Joel Goodwin of Electron Dance and I break our brains trying to merely walk and jump in a videogame, in Lockpickle’s Robotry!
This week Joel Goodwin of Electron Dance and I try and keep our hogs above water in co-op survival build ’em up Squeakers.
This week Joel Goodwin of Electron Dance and I get lost in semiwork‘s top-down shooter and action roguelike boss hunter Voidigo.
This week Joel Goodwin of Electron Dance and I get caught up in Neverjam’s eight-legged web-slinging arena combat game Spiderheck.
This week Joel Goodwin of Electron Dance and I are the removal guys in Moving Out.