Playdead Games’ Limbo has been given a release date! It will finally see the light of day via Xbox Live Arcade on July 21, launching off this year’s “Summer of Arcade.” The asking price is 1200 Microsoft points, that’s $15 or Β£10.20 in real world currency.
If you don’t know anything about the game, which was a winner at IGF 2010, you owe it to yourself to take a look.
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Excellent news. I’m looking forward to this.. as I am this years Summer of Arcade. Last year gave us the exceptional Trials HD and Shadow Complex, along with the pretty good ‘Splosion Man, and if Limbo and the other 4 offerings are just as good I think we’re in for a treat.
I was definitely looking forward to this, then I saw Giant Bomb’s “Quick Look” – – and now I just don’t know. Not because of any game-play issues, but there’s a realistically-looking, giant shadowy freakin’ spider!!! You all know about me n’ spiders. :shiver:
I recently read that some therapists are doing phobia desensitization training with clients on the web. Very simply put, after some introductory work you look at a cartoony drawing or photo of a very tiny spider/dog/cat/whatever from a distance, and therapy ensues from there. Just sayin’. ;>)
Yeah…hopefully that’s the only spider in the game. I too have an unfortunate, crippling fear of them and their disgusting eight legs. Nothing needs that many legs, I’m sorry. You really let the other inhabitants of the planet down there, evolution. I don’t care if they eat flies. One day they will get tired of eating flies and then you know who is next! That’s right: US!
Homo sapiens v arachnids. I hope I’m dead by then.
For all you spider-lovers
Spike: Yeah. No. Ain’t happenin’. I’d have to be heavily drugged just for the desensitizing. We’re talking deeply unconscious. Distance be damned.
Hanamigi: Not clicking that link. Ain’t happenin’. π
I specify that it is an animation and is in no way meant to scare you.
I love the comments on that Youtube video Hanamigi linked to. It was either, “fuck spiders they die”, or “please don’t kill living things, please”.
Wonder which side Toger would come down on? π
Also that video was oddly fascinating and repulsive at the same time. Concurrently like.
Spiders like snakes have no spine.. meaning they’re evil, soul-less creatures who should not inhabit this Earth. The mere thought of them just ‘urks’ me. I hate them with a fiery passion that can only be told with the loud gong of a shoe to the floor each time I kill one.
I really hate spiders too. The last I encountered in a videogame absolutely terrified me. Huge hulking hairy, jumping things they were. Brrrrrrrr
So I suppose this means that if a spider does, somehow, get into the Silo, it’s me who will have to dispose of it? You big pansie assed chimps.
I’m very much looking forward to Limbo. Judging from the trailers I’ve seen there appears to be some nice ideas in there as well, like positioning the man trap so that it bites down on the hanging corpse pulling the rope down so the little dude can climb up, but we’ll have to wait and see what other tricks it has up it’s sleeves. I’ve high hopes for this considering how long it’s been in development.
It’s length in development probably means it’ll be rubbish, it’s sods law! π
Which doesn’t apply to indie games π
TouchΓ©! π
Snakes do have spines, you know. I don’t like them anyway.
Meanwhile, Limbo is XBox only? Boo.
I don’t like platformers and I don’t like puzzle games. Still, I think this is one of the coolest looking games I’ve seen in a while. I don’t think I’ll buy it or play it, but I could definitely watch someone play it for a long time.
Platformers, no. Puzzle games I can do once I get into the mode of not hitting everything with a crowbar. Though I liked hitting things with a crowbar I understand the need developers have to stop everything and make you solve a slider puzzle. It’s an urgent and necessary and basic need they have to do this.
I adore the shadowy graphics and I very much liked the mechanics of positioning the traps. I even like watching – through my fingers – the boy using the traps to nip off the pointy tips of the spider’s legs. It’s when the spider came back that I stopped the video so I don’t know what’s beyond that.
Oh and to answer Scout – I come down squarely on the side of killing them when I see them. I apologize, but I slam ’em with a shoe… a shoe I don’t plan to wear for a while. I mean, a girl’s gotta have her shoes available! π
WTF? *sob*
Wooo! Cascading comment replies!! Wooo!
It’s probably more humane than throwing/placing them outside. Apparently house spiders – which are pretty small in the UK, the biggest ones are all legs to the size of your palm – die when thrown/placed outside. They die slowly. Probably.
I am Switzerland regarding spiders. I have no strong emotions about them one way or another and usually just ignore them unless they are trying to really get in my face then I will smash them. I think they are cool looking visually but I don’t like them near my skin.
It’s those little ants that crawl around in single file that I hate.
Come into the light, Gregg. Time to get a console. π
I’ve got a PS3 and a Wii for the super exclusive stuff and to nail the two ends of the console spectrum, but games on the Microsoft Box (of the X variety) usually exist on my other Microsoft Box (of the PC variety). These pesky exclusives drive me mad because I’ll never buy an Xbox for a handful of games, let alone a few indie titles. I’ve no doubt that Limbo will eventually make the move but it’s a shame I’ve got to wait!
I was a staunch Oddworld fan but missed out on Munch’s Oddysee and Stranger’s Wrath because Oddworld Inhabitants shifted to Microsoft without ever doing any ports, not least for the PC. Big sad face. Hopefully one day I may well get to play them.
Can’t wait for Limbo on PC. It will be something like a new Another World by the looks of it.
Don’t tell me I have to buy a stinkin’ Xbox. I hardly use the ps3!
It’s really too bad, Ernest, but I think the allure (in Microsoft’s minds) behind the “Summer of Arcade” is that they’re presenting platform-exclusive titles.
Eventually Limbo may pull a Bioshock and jump over to PlayStation but I suppose that will depend upon how much of a hit it is. Being a big seller seemed to do the trick for Braid, as a while after its initial Xbox Live Arcade release it found its way to PC, then Mac, and eventually PSN.
I could see Limbo being a massive hit on Steam, probably at a discounted price from its initial XBL launch, but a success nonetheless. It could even bring attention to some lesser known, like-minded games already on Steam; Saira comes to mind.
There is hope. First we just need to wait and see how this thing does on Live. Three more days.
Today is the day! I got a chance to play for 20 minutes before I left for work this morning, and I’m pretty much already in love. If you think the screenshots of this game look gorgeous and haunting, wait until you see the thing on your (hopefully high-definition) television.
It looks shit and I bet it plays like crap.
Oh god.
Yeah, this is good. Very good.
(I’m stuck already though!)
Me too. π
Ok, so I got home tonight around 10pm after being out for 4 days… and I had to play a bit. I am stuck (at 30% apparently) for now, and I’m going to think on it.