By now, I’m assuming you’ve all heard about LucasArts’ The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition? No? Venture forth from the cave, people. It’s a brave new world! Okay, so it’s not going to stop chunky, middle-aged people from wearing low-rise jeans, but is it a reboot of a much loved classic adventure game – with voices, re-mastered music and new, improved HD graphics coupled with the ability to seamlessly transition between the classic and enhanced modes on the fly. Set for a Summer 2009 release, the game will be available as a PC digital download and on Xbox Live (XBLA).
If, like me, you missed the live play-though that LucasArts held last Friday on Justin TV (who schedules meetings at 3pm on Friday afternoon?) you can check out the four videos and watch as the devs show off the game’s new features. According to their Twitter feed, they’ll feature another play-through soon. I’m totally digging the new look of the game and I’ll definitely pick it up when it’s released.
Full disclosure: I’ve only played one of the Monkey Island games – whichever one was ported to the PS2. Yeah, yeah. I’m not a real gamer. Get over it.
Cool. I have played all the Monkey Island games except for this one, the purported best of the lot so add me to the Toger Get Over It club. Maybe I’ll finally play this sucker and discover the secret for myself.