As you may have gathered by nothing looking or working as once advertised, Tap-Repeatedly is undergoing a metamorphosis. Largely visual, like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, we expect a whole rainbow of problems in the next several weeks. Should you encounter any particularly egregious issues, THEN TOUGH LUCK please email via the link below. Our regular programming will continue during this time. Email the author of this post at
Troika’s Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines had a lot in common with Obsidian’s Alpha Protocol: both were just stupidly well-written, both did a great job with settings and characters, both offered a slew of unforgettable moments. And both were so broken upon release that they were nearly unplayable by many. Vampire, like Alpha Protocol, was the latest in a long line of well-written technical disasters from Troika, and it was Vampire that finally ruined the company. …
Psychic Aquatic World Cup news now, as Paul the Oracle Octopus is up to his old tricks again with some predictions for tomorrow’s World Cup grudge match between England and Germany in South Africa. Paul, who happens to be something of a celebrity in his German homeland, isn’t prepared to join most television pundits in sitting on the fence. Paul likes to call things as he sees them – from the future – and the …
Having announced their new subscription service at E3 last week, Sony have this week followed up the unveiling of PlayStation Plus with a firm run through of the services cost, features and other notable bits and pieces. In an update posted to the Official European PlayStation Blog, PlayStation Plus looks all set to deliver a range of content to users in return for your monies and/or soul. Or something. Full run down and some opinions …
It’s a strange feeling knowing you may be made redundant within the next few months. Technically it’s termed “Redeployment”, where those unfit for purpose through a competency based exercise are placed into a “pool” to fight for the odd job or two that crops up. I wouldn’t really refer to it as a pool either, when there are thirty people already swimming in it, with a few dozen more soon to armband up and wade …
It’s been a little since Activision/Blizzard scumhole CEO Bobby Kotick shoved his foot so far into his mouth that it came out his ass – he’s been too busy cornholing his most profitable studio to be verbally inflammatory – but who can forget such lovable quotes as this and this? But the Most Hated Man in Gaming is at it again, telling the Wall Street Journal that fans are “clamoring” for a subscription-based Call of …
Sony want you to love 3D. So do Nintendo and Rupert Murdoch. More importantly, they want you to love 3D enough to buy it. They want you, the same people who collectively earned $2,729,711,510 for James Cameron’s rather large back pockets, to spend $2,000 on a new TV, subscribe to new services and buy new hardware. They also want you to sit in your house with a pair of not-exactly-flattering glasses propped upon your nose …
So I guess someone spilled some oil in the Gulf of Mexico recently. Unlike Dr. Robotnik – who always saw fit to implement a new plan when an old one had failed spectacularly – BP has essentially given up trying to stop the flow of oil into the Gulf, and is just waiting around for the big relief wells to be dug, sometime in August – smack in the middle of the Gulf hurricane season. …
Some screenshots of thatgamecompany’s follow-up to the tree hugging-floaty-petal fest Flower have leaked on to the net and after the amount of leaks I’ve had to fix over the last few weeks I can honestly say, this is my sort of leak. The game is called Journey and involves exploring a mysterious and desolate land not too dissimilar in appearance to… oh why bother, judging from the screenshot above, you should know the answer to …
Two beloved semi-indie developers made a return today at E3. Éric Chahi, best known for his obscure but adored adventure Another World, has announced Project Dust as a PSN/XBLA download for 2011. Kotaku described it as “a little bit Populous, a little bit Black & White,” which doesn’t sound too bad to me, except the Black & White part. Meanwhile Rez creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi promised an even better experience with Child of Eden, a new …
E3 is officially upon us. No, I’m not there, but the beauty of the internet means that for another year, Los Angeles can come to me. Which is handy, as I’ve been to Los Angeles before and frankly don’t care much for going back. First out of the blocks is Microsoft, who this evening laid their cards on the table with one or two major hardware announcements. Having stolen the attention at many an E3 …
Over the next week or so, the gremlins who labor in the lowest depths of the Tap Repeatedly Missile Silo will be performing very routine breakings of the site, followed by standard frantic Skype calls and Staff Forum freakouts. Do not be alarmed by any of these events, which may include sudden visual changes and general peculiarity until all the new machinery has been installed and is working properly. We thank you for your patience!Email …
Yo yo yo, dawg, Realtime Worlds’ banger MMO APB be in the hizzle with the nizzle, foshizzle, be gettin ON with its phat beta. Some folk been K-in fo this, fo sho. Ain no dis, no hatin. Roll on wit some funky-fresh APB bling. Pimp out yo gangsta or yo po-po (if dat be how you roll, dawg) and get yo bad self OFF THE HINGES wit da Keys to da City, yo. I ain’t …
This might have been one of the worst kept secrets in gaming for a while now, but it’s always nice to receive official confirmation of such issues. To be honest, I’m not sure if this even qualifies as news anymore, but it brought a smile to my face too wide to ignore. Following months of leaks and tip-offs, an ESRB classification last week and under cutting an expected E3 announcement by a couple of days, …
Suddenly no more amusing notes from Aperture Sciences or assurances that Surprises are coming, no more tantalizing videos or you-need-to-invert-it-in-Photoshop graphics leaks. Valve announced this morning, via a curt email to journo/analysts, that its press event for E3 has been canceled. The beloved developer will have a booth on the expo floor and that’s it. Technical problems before a big reveal? Or an internal decision that said reveal wasn’t kickass enough? Half Life 2 also …