Grand Theft Auto IV is memorably mediocre, not even representative of the best the open-world genre can achieve, let alone the pinnacle of this medium. It’s boring, repetitive, irritating, difficult to control, and far too puffed up with its own sense of self-worth.
Review by Davo Rhem 3 Developer Knut Müller Publisher Got Game Released March 2008 Available for Windows, Macintosh Verdict: 3/5 Middlin’ “The first Rhem game took place mostly outdoors. Chocolate. Rhem 2 occurred almost entirely within a cavern. Peanut butter. Where does Rhem 3 take place? Inside and outside. Chocolate and peanut butter.”
Review by Old Rooster Diamonds in the Rough Developer Atropos Studios Publisher Atropos Studios Released March 2008 Available for Windows Verdict: 5/5 Gold Star “Wow! On at least three occasions during the course of playing Diamonds in the Rough, I uttered this expletive. Really. Seriously. And you will too. That’s a promise.”
Review by Old Rooster The Experiment (AKA Experience 112) Developer Lexis Numerique Publisher The Adventure Company Released February 2008 Available for Windows Verdict: 4/5 Thumbs Up “The Experiment lives up to its name by offering a very different, shall we say, “experimental,” twist on how to play and progress in a game. Managing a primary character from a control room by turning on lights and flipping switches is unique. But is it effective and fun?”
A lot’s been happening behind the scenes these past few months, but MrLipid and I are slowly moving toward the eventual takeover of Four Fat Chicks from our beloved Jen and Orb. Everyone on the staff will remain, and we certainly hope that everyone in our fine community will remain, too! For now, the biggest change is the new front page. FFC now functions like a blog, encouraging more regular posting of news, editorials, short …
Review by Mike “Scout” Gust The Witcher Developer CD Projekt Publisher Atari Released October 30, 2007 Available for Windows Time Played Finished Verdict: 4/5 Thumbs Up “For the perceptive gamer, the payoff is every bit as big as it promises to be at the outset.“
Review by Steerpike Developer Team Ico Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Released October 18, 2005 Available for PS2 Time Played Finished Verdict: 5/5 Gold Star “I have never played a game like Shadow of the Colossus, because there are no games like it.”
Review by Scout Fallout Developer Black Isle Studios Publisher Interplay Released 1997 Available for PC, Mac Time Played Finished Verdict: 4/5 Thumb Up “In less than 90 seconds, the creators of Fallout have captured the mindset of a decade and revealed the untapped fears of a generation.”
A two-game franchise may seem somewhat thin material for a retrospective piece. But the story of the Thief games is one of richer history than many realizeThief and its successor are much more than the sum of their parts. The adventure that unfolds as you play them is intriguing enough, but when taken hand in hand with the corresponding real-life tale of innovation, corporate downfall, and the subsequent industry ripple effect, suddenly Thief’s dark milieu offers sufficient wealth to produce plenty of interesting reading.
Review by Toger Developer Gotham Publisher Disney Interactive Released January 11, 2010 Available for GameCube, Gameboy Advance, PS2, PC (sort of, see below) Verdict: 4/5 Thumb Up “Puzzles in PBG are pretty easy—after all, this is a children’s game. The narrator tends to give out huge hints on what you’ll want to do next or what you’ll need to look for in order to accomplish a specific task. Just the thing for a small …
Adventure game reviews, walkthroughs, discussion, and more
Review by Jen Developer Flare Media Limited Publisher Flare Media Limited Released March 6, 2002 Available for PC Time Played Finished Verdict: 0/5 Chunk Poo “This game has no redeeming value, social or otherwise. What’s worse, production values are practically nonexistent. It’s not sexy or even funny, it’s merely limp. I wouldn’t even go so far as to call it a crapsterpiece—it’s just crap.”
Review by Jen The Longest Journey Developer Funcom Publisher Empire Interactive (English) Released November 17, 2000 Available for PC Time Played Finished Verdict:5/5 Gold Star …the outside world was completely shut out by the little world on my monitor. My peripheral vision ceased to exist. My kids got ten thousand “shaddups” and “go aways” and “outta my faces” as I played.