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Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
October 8, 2013 - 12:46 pm
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OK looking forward to it Gregg.  I tried out the (temporarily) free version of XCOM on Steam.  Not sure which control scheme I like better.  However one thing that is clearly superior on PC is the performance.  Load times are ridiculously short compared to PS3.  Also absent on PC are the graphical slowdowns.  My PS3 really struggled at times with the visuals.  I'm guessing the PC version is the definitive one.

Playing God of War right now.  Oh man I love me some Kratos.  I bought the compilation for PS3, which includes all 5 games, for cheap a few months back.  I'm currently playing through III, and the first PSP release - Chains of Olympus - simultaneously.  III is so awesome.  I thought I might be turned off by the somewhat button-mashy gameplay after Dark Souls, but it's so visceral that I find it easy to forgive.  God of War just lets you be completely brutal and merciless in a videogame setting.  I think I just like laying waste to Greek mythology too (Oh, Helios getting in my way?  Die!!!!!).

The style of the games makes them enjoyable to watch as well.  My wife won't let me play III without letting her see the story.  Chains of Olympus is a perfectly fine God of War game, but I can tell it doesn't quite have the production values as the main series.  It's still good, cathartic fun though.  It's cool that they brought all the PSP and PS2 titles to PS3.

EDIT: Thanks Steerpike!!!  You weren't kidding about the depressing part.  Very dark game!  Haven't played enough yet to have any more opinions.  It sure isn't necessary to have high fidelity visuals to communicate dread.



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October 8, 2013 - 4:02 pm
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I played a lot of Papers, Please last month, and kept thinking that I'd do a review of it, but felt like I'd missed the opportune time for it - probably will leverage my notes into something later, though.  Recently I've started Cognition (which I quite like!) and I'm gearing up for Beyond: Two Souls this evening.  That one I'll definitely review.

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Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
October 8, 2013 - 7:20 pm
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You bet, Botch. Enjoy!

I just got Knock Knock (I'm a sucker for Ice-Pick Labs games); impressions coming soon. I've been doing a lot of Borderlands 2 with friends, and I really need to get into Dark Souls. Now that I've actually promised more Diaries I'm sort of on the hook to deliver. Tomb Raider has also been taking up a lot of my time. Stunning game. Maybe the best looking overall I've yet seen. And fun, too. I hope they continue the franchise in this vein; next time it'd be a first day buy instead of a Steam Sale buy for me.

Like Dix, me and my two souls will soon be Beyond. For all its flaws, Heavy Rain was a really important game, and a good one. I hope Quantic does it again, this time maybe without the French accents.

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October 8, 2013 - 8:32 pm
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Gregg, is there something you don't like about Legends so far?

I'm loving it. It's my chill out game, as Origins was. I think all it lacks is online co-op, which is a shame.

After Beyond: Two Souls I don't see any interesting games on the horizon, at all. New console hoopla and everything, what is there to be excited about? Not The Big One. Not Assassin's Creed 4 (I tire more of this IP every day). I absolutely do not get what everyone sees in Watch Dogs; it's Assassin's Creed with hacking. That's all the big titles I can think of. Everyone has been scared out of November.

I'm going to be getting by on the first couple episodes of The Wolf Among Us and the inevitably close Walking Dead Season 2.

In what game are you playing? related news, Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward is a dizzying narrative/puzzle game that I'm hooked on right now.

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Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
October 10, 2013 - 1:24 pm
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Glad to see you're enjoying Tomb Raider Steerpike (and that I'm not the only one who thinks it's pretty cool).  I tried your suggestions on graphical settings.  I simply cannot tell the difference, visually, between various settings.  Maybe my extended sojourn with consoles has ruined me.  Maybe I just don't know what to look for, other than framerate drops.  I admit to not knowing what half of these terms mean anymore.

I purchased the Tomb of the Lost Adventurer DLC, at least I think that's what it was called.  It was on sale for pennies.  Can't say it was worth even that though.  I might have thought differently if I had completed it before having maxed out all my stats and upgrades.  At this point I'll reiterate what I said about the game:  more actual tombs please!  And the inevitable puzzle-solving that goes with it, kthxbai.



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October 10, 2013 - 2:04 pm
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I enjoyed Tomb Raider quite a bit as well, though I find some things about it problematic and others disappointing even though they're objectively good.  I don't like, for instance, that rebooting Tomb Raider meant making it a shooter.  We have lots of shooters.  I don't need another one.  What we don't have a lot of, anymore, are action puzzlers like classic Tomb Raider games, at least not coming from major developers.  I also don't particularly care for the fact that reinventing Lara Croft as a survivor - a fine idea on paper - ends up meaning having her kill droves of enemies like every other game character.  I'm not one to get hung up on things like the number of murders Nathan Drake has committed, but one of the things I appreciated about old Tomb Raider games is that Lara wasn't a casual killer.

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October 10, 2013 - 4:23 pm
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@xtal: my issue so far with it is that there's no meaningful reason to play through a level more than once because the speed runs from Origins don't exist any more. The speed runs were like a catch-all so even if you had to play a level three, four, even five times or more because you missed that one Lum or Electoon, it helped you nail the speed run; to become that little wiser for the eventual mad dash across the level. There was always the speed run there to utilise your increased level knowledge once you'd collected everything. In Legends, you just have to collect all the Lums and Teensies and move on. The problem with this is that if you're a completist like me, you just end up restarting from the last checkpoint because if you don't do that you end up having to do the entire level again just to collect those stray Lums or the Teensies you missed. Your extra knowledge of the level doesn't go towards a speed run or anything -- and they were exhilarating when you nailed them. Mecha No Mistake, I'll never forget you.

I think the dedicated speed run levels in Legends have Lums in them as well so you're not just focusing on avoiding hazards and doing the jumps, you're trying to bag all the Lums too (remember that the speed runs and Tricky Treasure levels in Origins weren't at all concerned with Lums and Electoons so it was very much about speed and nothing else). What's worse is that in order to hit the maximum Lum target, some Lums have to be collected sequentially and if you fuck up, well, you've gotta go back to the last checkpoint or do it all again. Coupling this with Murfy who you have to wait for to go to the next element to trigger (level, enemy, rope, platform etc.), the whole experience feels a lot more stop-starty and in some cases trial and error-y. Origins was beautifully oiled in this regard: it flowed effortlessly. There's also the ADHD Awesomeness leveling, unlocking and scratch card things that just pester you incessantly between levels.

It's early doors yet and I'm still thoroughly enjoying it but it does seem like Ancel and co. don't realise what made the first game so special. That, or I need to play more to form a better opinion! I'll go with the latter for the time being! ;-)

October 16, 2013 - 4:27 pm
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The constant updates (that don't go away) about what new unlocks (levels, creatures, etc.) are available are very annoying, I agree with you there.

But...the speed runs do exist. They're the Invasion paintings; granted it's not identical to the actual levels themselves because you're running the other way, but the ones I've done I have found mostly focused on speed, of course with timing jumps and whatnot in there too. Have you not unlocked an Invasion yet? Or you have and you just don't like them?

I thought the musical end-levels were kind of the equivalent of the treasure chase runs in Origins. Neither really has a lot of replay value but they're both a lot of fun.

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October 16, 2013 - 7:17 pm
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Oh yeah! I've played those. In fact, I often remarked while playing Origins how the Tricky Treasure levels were like rhythm platformer levels. The music levels in Legends are a natural evolution of that and they're terrific. The Invasion levels are terrific too it's just that I miss the organic ascent to knowing each of the standard levels inside out, finding all the lums and electoons over a couple of plays, culminating in a single dash from start to finish. It's like the ultimate way of stamping a level as 'Finished'. In Legends most levels are done once and that's it, you move on. You could say the speed runs in Origins were a lazy way of eking out content but I saw them as a really clever way of introducing players to the joys of mastery. You kind of feel like those badass speed runners on Youtube when you nail a speed run. Thankfully Legends still has this in the form of the invasion and music levels, it's just more specific and less frequent which is a shame because they were my favourite bits in Origins. My hopes is all those spaces next to each of the levels on the level select screen will eventually fill with invasion frames! I mean, surely that's why the gaps are so wide? SURELY.

Since my last post I've been playing a lot more with Hailey and I stick by most of what I've said although I'd hardly call them reservations any more, just differences or preferences. The game is still fantastic and a real treat to the senses -- seriously, how fucking gorgeous does it look? The unlocking nonsense is by far the most egregious issue I have with it now (and even that isn't that bad! Murfy can be a pain sometimes). The inclusion of some remastered/remixed Origins levels is sweet and Kung Foot is a great thing to end with after a session. GOOOOOAAAAALLLLLL!

Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
October 16, 2013 - 10:27 pm
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Finished the PS3 version of Chains of Olympus.  It's a great little game.  God of War is one of those rare franchises whose formula I enjoy so much, the less they try to innovate the better.  Just give me those grand-scale set pieces, lots of pseudo-mythological baddies to eviscerate, some environmental puzzles, and seemingly impossible odds to overcome and I'm good.


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October 17, 2013 - 12:09 pm
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I haven't been able to play Kung Foot. :( I have no friends!

Regarding the empty spaces, I have heard that almost all, if not all of the levels have Invasions, so look forward to that. The unlocking is a bit strange.. but it seems a bit more open than Origins if anything. Now, I've never completed Origins, I'm still working on it, but the 5 worlds I have been to are, for the most part, a linear path (Mario 3-like) so it doesn't seem to be too different with the locked paintings. I'm only level 7 I think and I've unlocked a lot of levels already, every world is open except the one which requires 400 teensies saved to unlock.

The daily/weekly challenges are also occasionally enjoyable. I enjoy the speed ones and the bottomless descents. The Murfy dungeon runs are my least favourite, mostly because it's clumsy to run at top speed whilst using Murfy to manipulate objects.

And yeah, the remixed Origins levels are just a treat that the devs really didn't even have to do.

It's not perfect, but one more blissful platformer is one less MeatShewter.

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October 17, 2013 - 2:54 pm
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I totally agree xtal, and woo! More invasions!

I do miss the world map/overworld element, but yeah, Origins seemed more linear. I haven't done a challenge yet because Uplay is shit. I basically run Legends in 'offline' mode because Uplay doesn't allow me to login and that stops me doing challenges. Thanks Uplay! No-- I don't play! Don'tPlay.

Good call on the Murfy dungeon runs -- they're exactly what I was talking about above. The speed you run coupled with how you have to time your Murfy interactions, often waiting for him to move from the last rope, lever or whatever, can really throw you off. And with another person also trying to stay in sync with you it can get pretty messy at times!

Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
October 17, 2013 - 10:27 pm
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Anyone tried out The Stanley Parable demo?  Sure seems to be getting a lot of hype.  It's mildly amusing.  "Mild" is pretty much the word for it.  I guess the actual game is more interesting?


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Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
October 22, 2013 - 10:11 am
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I enjoyed the demo a lot, perhaps because I went in knowing (and therefore expecting) nothing. Just got the game last night and spent maybe two hours with it. Seeing what it is, I give it a solid thumbs up, my view matching AJ's, but I do think that anyone who's interested but unsure might feel better buying at the $11 price point rather than the $15 one.

The Stanley Parable is what it is. I got a big kick out of what it is, but not everyone will.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
October 22, 2013 - 7:44 pm
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Anyone heard of Darkest Dungeon?  Sounds pretty cool.  Any dungeon crawler with Tactical Camping has got to be good.


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November 6, 2013 - 6:07 pm
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Bit late to your question Botch but I hadn't heard of Darkest Dungeon before. I have no idea (judging by the trailer) what perspective it'll be from though. Top down, side on, first-person...?

I'm currently in game limbo at the moment. I'm eyeing up Miasmata and Starseed Pilgrim.

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
November 10, 2013 - 2:34 pm
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It rings a bell, but I can't picture it. As an old fan of Shining Force on the Sega Genesis, I'm a sucker for tactical RPGs.

I just finished Tomb Raider and I'm trying to put together a review. Restarted Rage with the intention of finally finishing, but the control latency is driving me nuts. I might switch to Arkham City. Also been playing The Cat Lady and emulating the Sega Ages remake of Phantasy Star.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
November 18, 2013 - 11:15 am
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Looking forward to your Tomb Raider review.  Does anyone play Secret World?  I simply do not do MMOs, but for some reason this one has me intrigued.


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November 18, 2013 - 11:21 am
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I haven't played Secret World but have noticed Tom Chick's been re-reviewing it every day for what seems like the past two weeks. This was related to something Polygon did, which Gregg and Steerpike talked about somewhere in here.

Re: Polygon, I hadn't been to that site in a while but I was there a few days ago reading their system review of the PS4. I really like their style..not sure if it's a recent overhaul or has been like that for a while. Very Google-esque, lots of negative space, and the space that is used pops nicely. Pleasurable experience for the eyeballs.

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November 18, 2013 - 11:54 am
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I played The Secret World for the first month or so of its release because I'm a Ragnar Tornquist fanboy a little bit.  I don't really play MMOs, either, and ultimately TSW doesn't fix a lot of the fundamental issues I have with the genre (repetitiveness, etc.) but the writing is really good as you might expect and I like the setting.  If I were going to play an MMO it would be my choice hands down, no question.

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