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What game are you playing?
Portland, Oregon
April 15, 2009 - 7:53 pm
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I'm playing The Path. I'd say it is pretty wierd...all said.

Steerpike gave it a good write up over on the blog side of Tap-Repeatedly.

Read all about it.

I just got a great set of new speakers and like to play with the audio cranked. It doesn't really help with gameplay but I love the music. I find myself wishing for more interactivity after a while though. Like, more stuff to do.

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
April 15, 2009 - 8:05 pm
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I am playing and immensely enjoying Grand Ages: Rome - a worthy successor to Caesar 3, if not quite as good.

Beyond that, my Left 4 Dead addiction continues, and I've just gotten Dead Space through GameFly. Based on Jason's article, I have a feeling I'll enjoy it provided I don't think of it as a horror game.

Who's next?

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

In the midst of 10,000 lakes...
April 15, 2009 - 9:49 pm
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I'll cop to living off Big Fish lately and am currently up to my elbows in Flux Family Secrets: The Ripple Effect. Have also recently indulged in Kevin Spacey's party piece: Beyond the Sea.

Somewhere, out there...
April 15, 2009 - 11:50 pm
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MrL, I've just started Flux Family. It's rather entertaining and not nearly as annoying as some of the other hidden object games.

I'm also playing Broken Sword: The Director's Cut on the DS. I have played it on the PC (quite a while ago) and the only thing I miss are the voices (which makes sense given the limitations of the DS' memory.). There aren't nearly as many hotspots for interaction, but that's okay. It makes the game go a tad faster. The use of portraits for characters as they speak follows other DS games, but I do have to say that the artwork for some of those is rather lackluster.

I've finally started Assassin's Creed on the 360 (did I mention I got a brand spanking new 42″ HDTV?) Holy freakin' cow games are a graphics whore's wet dream (my mother would make me wash my mouth out with soap if she knew I'd just said that. [Image Can Not Be Found] ). I've only done the tutorial and climbed the tower outside the first area. :swoon: I'm gonna have to replay Bioshock just to see it in HD.

I'm still playing Avalon Code as well. Finding things in the book makes me crazy, but it's a hoot smacking stuff/people with that giant book.

Oh yeah, and I'm still writing that review of that game I finished a few weeks ago. [Image Can Not Be Found]

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April 16, 2009 - 2:30 pm
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Since I finished my 15 second Outcry reviewlet I have been unable to finish some of the games I've started:  Dracula: The Path of the Dragon, Undercover: Operation Wintersun, and at least one other.

Dracula: Do I have to play with blood - again?  Yeah, I know it's Dracula, I'm just saying, is all. 

Undercover:  If the Nazis had been this buffoonish, the European war would have been over in 1942.  And this game plods.

I finished Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder last month.  I agree with MrLipid's review.  I took more naps in this game than I've taken in real life in the last 5 years.  However, I actually nodded off twice playing this game.  That can't be a good thing. The game ended with a whimper.  Am I even interested in a sequel?  Don't know yet.

Played Delaware St. John: The Town With No Name last week.  Short game.  2 short stories.  Not very hard.  Not a bad game.  I hate timed puzzles.

I just started Nikopol last night, even after reading O.R.'s review.  I'm a sucker for great graphics, and this game is 360º which I love.  1 hour in, and my only complaint so far is the slight jumpiness of the screens that happens when I move my mouse (adjusting mouse sensitivity didn't help - it may have to do with "Windows on a Mac").  And this cursor has got to be the tinniest one in the universe.

I , too, filll in the spaces with Big Fish.  I haven't been a club member for a while,  but I find that the demos are often enough to bridge the space between 2 bigger games.

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

April 16, 2009 - 2:40 pm
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I too am playing Flux Family Secrets. I also am in the middle of Dracula 3, which is kinda sucky because it's one of those where you have to mind-read the devs, and Ceville, which was great fun at first but now I'm bogged down in Stuckville.

I am so happy to have forum blabbage again!

[Image Can Not Be Found][Image Can Not Be Found][Image Can Not Be Found][Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found][Image Can Not Be Found][Image Can Not Be Found][Image Can Not Be Found][Image Can Not Be Found][Image Can Not Be Found] (I sure hope there is no smiley limit)

Somewhere, out there...
April 16, 2009 - 3:14 pm
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I'm so happy there are people to yammer at, again. [Image Can Not Be Found]

I forgot: I've been playing Dreamfall - after hearing Scout wax rhapsodic about the game, I borrowed the 360 version from my son's friend (he kept getting stuck and ended up gifting it to me). I don't remember where I am**, but it's... interesting. The combat is total suckatude - what were the devs thinking?; this is first adventure game where I've thought to myself "there's way too much talking" and I adored TLJ. I'll keep plugging along and see how it all ends.

** I remembered: that mysterious third character is going into the tower in um... the other world.

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April 16, 2009 - 4:18 pm
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I am playing Flux Family Secrets too. I have done two of the girls in The Path and really enjoyed it and need to get back to it. I can't believe I am playing GTA: San Andreas. Once I got past the annoying language, it is a lot of fun. There were a few rough spots I needed to use some ingenuity and  few hints to get past.[Image Can Not Be Found]

April 16, 2009 - 4:30 pm
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I finished Flux just now, no hints and only skipped one puzzle (the helicopter one).  I need a new, easy, time-wasting kind of game. I have one Big Fish credit left that I was going to save for Aveyond 3, but I guess I'll have to spend it now and buy some more later. [Image Can Not Be Found]

April 16, 2009 - 4:35 pm
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Jen, have you played The Serpent of Isis? It is one of BFs better games and I liked it more than Flux Family. Return to Ravenhearst was my favorite.[Image Can Not Be Found]

April 16, 2009 - 4:58 pm
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Yep, I've played a buttload of those Big Fish games. Both Azadas, all Mystery Case Files, Secret Missions: Mata Hari, Hidden Expedition: Titanic, Haunted Hotel I (stinky; I'm not interested in 2), Coyote's Tale, Mystery Legends: Sleepy Hollow, Hidden Prophecies of Nostradumbass (another stinker), Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Nick Chase, Magic Encyclopedia, Legend of Crystal Valley, and Serpent of Isis. My faves are Ravenhearst 2, Azada 2, Magic Encyclopedia, and Crystal Valley, and this Flux one was pretty fun too.

I have downloaded and rejected some trials as well--Lost in the City, Hidden Mysteries: Buckingham Palace, Cate West: The Vanishing Files, and some icky Egyptian-themed one are the ones that come to mind--mostly because I feel like I get more than half done in the one-hour demo and don't want to pay for another few minutes.

I am downloading CSY: NY now for a demo. I'll report back.

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
April 16, 2009 - 5:18 pm
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Aveyond! Ha ha ha! [Image Can Not Be Found]

I did the writeups for the first two for GameTap and they were totally charming, so very Lunar-like, and I love Lunar. Most games I played for writeups got played for - at most - ten minutes, but I actually spent a whole weekend with those. I love the old classic JRPG style, having been raised on them, and it's amazing to see how independent developers can now create their own with readily available tools. If 3 is coming, I may just have to head over to Big Fish myself.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

April 17, 2009 - 11:21 am
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Hmm... I'll have to check out Lunar, then, because those Aveyond games are fun.

Pokey, I did end up buying CSI:NY. It has four episodes, and I only got about halfway through the first in my free hour. I since finished that episode and started the second, and I'd say the game is one of the better ones of that ilk. There is more "other" stuff to do and less finding of things onscreen.

April 17, 2009 - 11:50 am
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Thanks, Jen. I'll download the demo and take a look at it. I don't care much for the plain hidden object games anymore. I'd love to have another like the first Azada. Maybe I'll try Avenyond again. It was fun for the bit I played a while ago.

I liked Mortimer Beckett 1 & 2, much like the Flux Family. I have to get them from Spintop Games, so I wait for a half price sale.


April 17, 2009 - 12:17 pm
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I'm resuming my playthrough of Fallout 3 after taking a massive two-month break.  I don't know why I couldn't "get into" it...probably had something to do with too many responsibilities and the unforgiving nature of RPGs when it comes to extremely limited play time.

Still, I'm enjoying it quite a bit, even if the VATS system doesn't feel anywhere near as tacitcal as the isometric FO1 and 2 versions.

Other than that, I'm playing Left 4 Dead and that's about it.  I may get around to finishing my Empire: Total War game sometime soon, I don't know.  I want to love the thing, but I just can't.  I owe it another chance...

Somewhere in the frozen tundra
April 17, 2009 - 4:54 pm
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I am still playing Fallout 3.  Pokey has been encouraging me along on another gaming forum.  I don't think I have ever gotten trhough a nonadventure game without Pokey in the background. 

Fallout 3 is a terrific game.  I have played Fallout 1, 2, and 3 all in a row.  It has been a great trip. When it is over I will be very sorry to see it done but so glad that I did it.  


Imagine life with no hypothetical situations. 

Portland, Oregon
April 17, 2009 - 5:46 pm
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Hey Kay. Great to see you again. If you want, restart your thread in Bollocks. You'll be the OP of the very first thread! Plus it would be fun to hear about your progress. 

Somewhere, out there...
April 19, 2009 - 2:17 pm
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Have any of you played Musaic Box? It's a combination of hidden object - no cluttered rooms, but you do have to hunt up small pieces of paper tucked away -, puzzle - as in jigsaw - and music. I fell in love with it a few months ago.

The "story" is that your grandfather has left a birthday present hidden somewhere in 4-5 rooms. In order to find it, you'll have to find and play the "outlines" - pieces of a musical score - inside each room's music box. The puzzle part is fitting the pieces into the box in order to play the music box's tune. For most of the tunes, you'll be able to play and hear the melody in a preview, which will help in placing the puzzle pieces as each of the pieces has a portion of the melody & harmony imprinted on it. Several boxes will have a portion of the tune missing from the mechanism that plays the preview, so it's up to the player to figure out which piece fits; either by virtue of the the tune itself or which puzzle piece fits. A couple of the puzzles have no tune preview, so you have only the outline of the jigsaw and the interludes on the puzzle pieces to help put it all together. I really enjoyed the puzzles without the tune preview, but then I like muscial puzzles in general. The music used is what you'd typically find in a music box.

The game recently won the Excellence in Design award at the 11th Independed Games Festival.

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April 19, 2009 - 3:47 pm
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I'm currently at the end of FarCry 2 on my PC.  It's been a weird, fun game.  I've loved going from place to place, doing missions for diamonds and the combat is a lot of fun.  There's a lot of travelling over a huge map (reminds me of Fallout 3 that way) but there's very few fast-travel options other than a bus.  My one complaint is that enemies respawn… alot.  You can go through a checkpoint on the way to a mission and kill all the bad guys.  Once you complete the mission and return through the checkpoint 30-60 minutes later the enemies are all there again.  Other than that, it's been a blast.

I'm playing a bit of Lord of the Rings Online with some of the Quarter to Three guys.  It's a fun, gorgeous game.

I've had a slow play-through of the first Baldur's Gate going for a month or two.  I'm not very far but still love this game.

And I just started Persona 3 on my trusty Playstation 2.  I'm a sucker for Japanese RPG's and this is supposed to be one of the better ones.  I routinely hear about 80-120 hour long playthroughs of this game so we'll see how I hold out.

Aachen, Germany
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April 21, 2009 - 9:41 am
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There's one game I've played again and again over the last couple of years: Mount & Blade. Has this ever been reviewed by FFC? I'm looking forward to playing the upcoming expansion Mount & Blade Warband later this year.

Right now I'm waiting for Zeno Clash to be unlocked on Steam. I pre-purchased it when I got The Path.

Other than that I have yet to finish Fallout 3 (I suspended it until I have more time).

Going back a bit further I purchased Far Cry 2 after reading a very positive review (before the critical reviews popped up) and was bitterly disappointed. I tried to play it anyway but then couldn't progress any further because of a bug.

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