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Steam holiday sale
December 21, 2010 - 9:48 am
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xtal said:

The Oddbox!!! Yes!!

That was my reaction to yesterday's offerings and then I peered into the forums and saw that the ports are (apparently) a big mess. On the bright side I saved myself £10 and found out that a HD version is being developed for the PS3. Which is nice.

December 21, 2010 - 12:25 pm
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Well, and correct me if I'm wrong, Oddworld fans, but I thought the first two were PC titles, no? And then the last two were rather generic console games that did get ported to PC. Did that not happen?

I have a lot of delusions that have been shattered over the years though. I thought Splinter Cell was a PC game, only to find out that was an Xbox port. I thought for a long time that GTA3 came out on PC first (because the first two were exclusives) and had no idea that it was like, the biggest PS2 game ever. That's how out of touch with consoles I was then.


I've considered just the first two anyway: Oddysee and Exoddus; really the ones the series is known for. I didn't play them much back in the day (when... '97ish?) but liked a lot the demos or shareware or whatever the hell it was that I got to try. I haven't even looked at the Steam sales yet... fuck me, here ends my life! * types in steampowered dot com into chrome browser *  ...................

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

December 21, 2010 - 12:44 pm
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Ok.... I've been browsing for 15 minutes... this sale is seriously TOO EPIC.

The whole goddamn store is practically slashed in half, at least.

And am I mistaken, or does Steam have Beyond Good & Evil for the very first time?

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

December 21, 2010 - 12:56 pm
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Pretty sure they've had Beyond Good and Evil for a little while now. Could be wrong. I got my copy from (who also have a giant sale.)

I'm pretty sure the first Oddworld was a console game. I remember playing it on one of the older systems.. not sure which. Played two player Joust with the same guy, so every time I think of oddwrold, I get the urge to play Joust. As I was saying to Gregg yesterday, Steam needs multiplayer Joust and Joust 2. I freaking love that game!

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
December 21, 2010 - 2:47 pm
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My god, it's happening again




Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

Somewhere, out there...
December 21, 2010 - 6:40 pm
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I'm assuming this means Steerpike has started buying games from Steam...

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December 21, 2010 - 6:43 pm
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xtal said:

Well, and correct me if I'm wrong, Oddworld fans, but I thought the first two were PC titles, no? And then the last two were rather generic console games that did get ported to PC. Did that not happen?

No you're right. I was just referring to the 3D Oddworld games (Munch's Oddysee and Stranger's Wrath) that were exclusively released on the Xbox years ago. The original Abe's Oddysee and Exoddus I still have from the Playstation days and they are both great but I was never convinced by the low resolution PC ports that were later released. The annoying thing is I remember reading the Playstation instruction manuals and seeing the high resolution renders of the in-game graphics and thinking 'I bet that's from the PC version because they support higher resolutions' but was disappointed to find out they were just pretty renders. Steam are using those renders for screenshots which is highly misleading Edit: Okay, they're only using a few but look:

Pretty renders

Actual in-game screenshot

A quick Google turned up this.

December 22, 2010 - 11:54 am
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Well, a friend of mine saw them on my wishlist yesterday and bought them for me. No going back now!


I couldn't help myself from purchasing The Path and The Void yesterday: they were in the indie fright pack with 3 other games... for $4.99!!! These bastards.... KHAAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
December 22, 2010 - 12:28 pm
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Xtal and I were discussing this yesterday. Valve is clearly up to something with these sales. Something… sinister, involving domination. And not the good kind.

Per his suggestion, everyone is required to keep a tally of their total purchases. At the end of the sale, the one with the highest number will receive a Tap Party of Shame.

The Tap-Repeatedly Steam Holiday Sale Party of Shame Contest: Win a Fabulous Prize!

  1. Buy stuff during the Steam Holiday Sale
  2. Keep a total of your purchases
  3. On January 3, announce your total here and don't lie
  4. Totals will be converted into Malaysian Ringgits to even out exchange rates*
  5. Person who has spent the most Ringgits will be roundly mocked, and win a fabulous prize**

*Calculation to be performed using the exchange rate as of Jan 2, 2011 EDIT: Jan 3, 2011


**No purchase necessary. Neither Tap-Repeatedly, nor its subsidiary partners,  organizations, lovers, corporations, friends, roommates, and any other associates, known or unknown, make any warranty, of any sort, either express or implied, regarding the fabulousness of prize content or specific prize nature. Tap-Repeatedly and its aforementioned associates, including those not mentioned specifically in this statement, assume no liability for prizes that explode, assault, dissolve, psychically control or otherwise attempt to harm the contest winner in any way. Tap-Repeatedly retains the right to define “harm” as it sees fit. Tap-Repeatedly assumes no responsibility for prizes that hit on your mother, sister, or any other female, male, transgendered, or unidentifiable individual possessing any relationship, social or otherwise, to you or anyone with whom you have or will ever associate. Tap-Repeatedly hereby exempts itself and all aforementioned and potential associates from liability, express or implied, in any resultant consequence associated with Tap-Repeatedly contests, prizes, winners, losers, your mother, or any individuals, entities, animals, objects, or other forms of matter (real or theoretical), including but not limited to subatomic particles and yet-undiscovered energy sources. Fabulousness of prizes to be determined expressly by Tap-Repeatedly and may or may not qualify for the traditional definition of “fabulous” in common parlance or social norms of any society on Earth or societies with which Earth or the people, animals, or entities of Earth may ever communicate with. Additionally, Tap-Repeatedly and its representatives retain the right to call you names, publicly or privately vilify and humiliate you and/or any of the aforementioned related parties (mother, dogs, friends, etc.). Tap-Repeatedly retains the right to appear at your home, with or without an express invitation, and demand dinner, socialization, or other compensation to be decided at the time of the visit.  Additionally, Tap-Repeatedly and its representatives are hereby exonerated from any claims of anything negative against them (”negative”) to be defined expressly and exclusively by Tap-Repeatedly or its appointed associates, and renders itself, in perpetuity, exempt from any action or inaction it wants to be exempt from. Prizes may or may not be living, radioactive, chemically dangerous, rude, or otherwise deleterious to the health of the victor or handler, physically or emotionally. Tap-Repeatedly retains the right at all times to refuse prizes, fabulous or otherwise, to winners it deems unworthy, unless said winner is willing to subject him, her, or itself to a grueling series of challenges to earn the grudging respect of Tap-Repeatedly staff. Under the specifications of this contract, Tap-Repeatedly retains the right to describe “losers” as such. Contest void in Malaysia and where prohibited.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.


December 22, 2010 - 1:42 pm
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Is this like getting a free Chrome laptop to test? Only better? As my application places me firmly outside their targeted user-base I am very unlikely to find said laptop on my doorstep.

Or, for that matter, win T-R's contest. So far I either own the games on sale [Image Can Not Be Found] or don't want them. Except Dead Rising 2 (damn Armand for ever mentioning that game!), at <$15 I'd buy.

On the other hand, how many readers at T-R have actually gone shopping with Malaysian Ringgits? I have. [Image Can Not Be Found]

December 22, 2010 - 3:26 pm
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Yapette said:

On the other hand, how many readers at T-R have actually gone shopping with Malaysian Ringgits? I have. [Image Can Not Be Found]

I vote for Yap to be the automatic winner.  I mean...Ringgits???!!! (interrobang)  [Image Can Not Be Found]

Most of us can only dream. 

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."


December 22, 2010 - 4:44 pm
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I broke. Bully Scholarship Edition @ $3.75.

Been wanting to try this since the PS2. Yes, I am a master at delayed gratification. Also, I suck at PS2 contollers so not buying a console version was easy.

Somewhere, out there...
December 22, 2010 - 5:27 pm
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I picked up:

Trine – which I've been patiently waiting for this sale now that my vid card can handle it – for $4.99

Twin Sector – according to Metacritic it's a mediocre Portal clone; according to people that've played it, it's better than the critics say – for $2.50

I'm waffling on PuzzleBots (WadjetEye games) @ $2.50 but I've essentially paid for it on my just-recently cancelled BigFishGames account by forgetting that account automagically gives me game credits every month @ $6.99 a pop. I have three credits to burn in the next 180 days. I should probably burn one on PuzzleBots.

I'm also hoping Aztaka goes on sale. It's an indie side-scrolling RPG with Aztec overtones. I <3 the music in the trailer. I've also watched some video on YouTube and it seems Trine-like without the three swappable characters.

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Portland, Oregon
December 22, 2010 - 6:34 pm
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Curse you xtal. I caved on the indie horror bundle with 12 minutes to go even though I already have The Path.  Bastards even sort of smugly told me I wouldn't be getting a duplicate copy.

December 22, 2010 - 6:56 pm
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I just picked up bully as well! It's a great game, one of the better Rockstar titles I think. Not sure when I'll get around to playing it, but it's good to know I have a copy again!

Otherwise, I've thus far picked up the Indie Future pack (5 neat games,) the latest Prince of Persia, and Super Meat Boy. The only one I've spent more than 10 minutes playing is Prince of Persia, which is a mixed bag of mediocre platforming and characters that for some reason I can't help but like. And they've done nothing to deserve it yet!The fighting is kind of fun, but not enough of it, and the graphics are by and large beautiful.

Between this and the (now) 11 games I got through the Humble pack, I am loaded! I don't know what to do... guess I'll just go play Minecraft.

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
December 22, 2010 - 10:36 pm
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Dammit Toger! I could have lived a full life without ever knowing that Twin Sector existed!


And you! Yapette! You had to mention Bully, didn't you?


This brings me up to $19.75. *sob*

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

December 23, 2010 - 7:22 am
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My shame for this run will be repurchasing Burnout Paradise. Didn't know the PC Ultimate version contains almost none of the console content from the console version despite the same name. Got dozens of toy and classic cars and modes I can't actually use and no expansion stunt island, just a clunky in-game link to a closed PC store. Ultimate really ought to mean something other than +two cars. [Image Can Not Be Found]

grooowrrrr! [menace menace] rrrrowwwr!

December 23, 2010 - 1:01 pm
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Dead Rising 2 is now 50% off! Than you Steam gods! You've answered my nerdy little prayers!

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
December 23, 2010 - 1:02 pm
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GOD DAMMIT! Darksiders $10! Patrician IV $7.50!


I won't do it. I won't. I don't need those games. I won't do it. I won't play them. 


I won't do it.



Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

December 23, 2010 - 4:19 pm
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God, I can tell I'm going to be full of shame when I report my final spending amount... maybe I shouldn't even tell you guys, contest be damned.

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