Sincere apologies for the lengthy outage over the past week, fellow Tappers. A whole bunch of problems happened at the same time, and we’re still working with our wonderful uk reseller hosting service to identify exactly what’s going on and why. The site may be down again intermittently over the coming days, but hopefully this will be no more than a minor inconvenience. Some details of larger inconveniences below…
Without going into unnecessary detail, Tap-Repeatedly has taken to asking more than its fair share of the server’s attention. Until we can isolate exactly what’s doing this, we’re sort of at its mercy. We’ve already taken a few steps on the back end that shouldn’t affect visitors at all. Beyond that, the likeliest candidate is, unfortunately, the forum. At this point we’re considering shutting it down for a week or two, until we can determine once and for all whether it’s involved. If it is, we’ll switch to some new forum software. We’ll have no choice, even if we’re unable to migrate all the threads from the original over to the new one.
Stay tuned for more details, and thank you for being so patient!