True story: since playing Heavy Rain I have heard the name “Jason” so many times that it has lost all meaning. It now registers simply as a blurred noise in my head, like the distant ringing of somebody else’s telephone or a car alarm down the street.
Now, I loved Heavy Rain, but some of the voice acting was just awful. Press X to Jason pays homage to that with this simple flash game, which amusingly enough is actually more fun to play and less irritating than the corresponding section of David Cage’s “interactive drama” itself.
The scene in question plays out within the opening 10 minutes of Heavy Rain, but if you’ve not played itย yet and are still all super sensitive about spoilers, you might want to give this a miss. If you’ve progressed past Chapter 2, don’t care about a teeny-weeny spoiler or are already well aware of the “Jason!” meme, then give this a go and relieve the exhilarating experience of calling out a child’s name in a shopping mall.
Bastard! This sounds right up my street but alas, I have not played Heavy Rain yet.
Here‘s another that I heard was pretty funny.
Haha, sorry Gregg!
To be fair if you’ve read ANYTHING about Heavy Rain then you probably already know how it starts, or at least the basic premise. If you don’t and have managed to avoid that, then fair play to you and you’re a better man than I!
But seriously – this meme is genuinely more entertaining than the part it mimics. You’ll know when you get to it! I think you should go out right now and rent it, play it for 10 minutes and come back here.
I’m pretty sure I know the bit you’re talking about. I think the problem is witnessing a piss take of something before you see the original. It sort of takes the edge off of it a bit. For instance, I can’t imagine watching that scene in Downfall after seeing any of those YouTube videos! Some of those are hilarious though.
NB: Watch the film first if you don’t know what I’m talking about – it’s brilliant! ๐
Amazing flash game. I just made Heavy Rain my second PS3 game purchase, but haven’t fired it up yet; only played the demo. It seems like a tiny, insignificant spoiler, if you can even call it one, and the music and voice acting in this flash game definitely improved the quality of my life.
I’m willing to bet I’ll live six days longer because I played this. Thanks.
Heavy Rain is socks-knocking. It’s got its share of flaws, particularly the absolute collapse of story at the end, but my god, is it something special all the same. Money well spent. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts, xtal!
Do I detect a hint of sarcasm, xtal? ๐
This is deffinatley more for those who have played the opening section of HR and know just how laughable it is!
No, I really meant it. The flash game made me feel fuzzy inside. And I don’t think having seen/played that will tarnish my first experience of pressing X to Jason (in the real game!), either.
Every time you press X to Jason, a kitten falls down a well.
Can that be the name of a new Friday the 13th movie? Press X to Jason. Gold.
Can these comments be edited? I don’t know how. I suppose I’ll just spam another one: just wanted to add that I blame the stupid internets for not detecting my non-sarcasm, is all.
Haha no problem xtal, I was awake for all of about 15 seconds when I read your original comment. Consider my sarcasm radar “fuzzy” at that time in a morning!
Also, I absolutely agree with the Friday the 13th shout.
Oh sod it. I’m going to play this sucker tonight.