It all began in the old autumn of ’22. Or as those of us in the know call it, the Autumn of Andor.
AJ here, next on the list to present my series of 2015 Games of the Year. This format will be very similar to how I’ve posted in previous years, with five titles and some runners-up. Now… to the list!
Remember the time Armand K got really wasted and wrote that weird paranoid manifesto about how I’d tried to lock him out of the Bordello because he owed me $7.42? Well, I don’t know if Armand’s fully kicked the habit, but I’m pleased to have him back (and apparently lucid) with another guest entry. He’s been enjoying our Games of 2011 series and thought he’d just go ahead and do one himself. Game on, my …
Of my living years, 1994 is the first I remember as An Epic Year For Gaming. Up until this point I had dabbled in a handful of computer adventure games that my parents bought and the limited pile of NES games I had: Super Mario Bros., Jeopardy!, The Empire Strikes Back and Blades of Steel to name a few. My horizons were about to expand on Christmas of 1993: I received a Sega Genesis. As …
Portland, Oregon fiction writer, writing professor, and gamer, Tom Bissell, was interviewed in my local alternative weekly concurrent with the release of his book, Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter. It’s a long, rambling interview that touches on, among other things, why Portal is so important, why most game reviews aren’t very good and how tedious it is actually writing for a game developer. Those who still love playing PlayStation games may use these ps1 …
It’s not easy being a Mac owning gamer. For so long the deserved recipient of the industries jokes and PC gamers distain, gaming on Mac has always been something of an afterthought, falling some way down on Apple’s priorities both from a hardware and software perspective. With games software remaining overpriced, underpowered and largely unsupported, Mac gaming has existed as the proverbial wasteland for the mouse and keyboard loyalist. However, to quote the ever quotable …
While the rest of the T-R silo dwellers are wandering the wastelands of Fallout 3, painstakingly making their way back to a bloodstain in Demon’s Souls or negotiating the jump mechanics of Portal I decided to go retro with Cranberry Production’s new point-and-click adventure Black Mirror II, the sequel to the reasonably well-received Black Mirror (well, except for the voice work of the main character).
Reading PCGamer today, new information about Portal 2 has begun to rear its head from the Valve parapet, with the game now taking place several hundred years after the first. The new changes announced so far include a two-player co-operative mode in addition to the single player, while players can now take advantage of physical effects that “bleed” through portals, such as air from vents or the use of tractor beams through the portals themselves …
Valve Software’s The Orange Box is on sale for $9.99 all weekend, meaning you have approximately fifteen hours left to do what you should have done when it was $50. This purchase gets you Half Life 2, Half Life 2: Episode 1, Half Life 2: Episode 2, multiple-game-of-the-year-winning-and-critical-darling Portal, plus the relentlessly jolly Team Fortress 2. Remember if you already own any or all of these, you can gift them to fellow Steam subscribers at …