For my third MMOG news piece, Blizzard and the World of Warcraft Armory has finally begun testing the long awaited Remote Auction House for the iPhone, iPod touch and web browser. The free App (and desktop download, available now) allows players to log into the WoW Armory and browse any in-game Auction House that characters on a players WoW account have access to. Once beta testing is complete and the Remote Auction House is truly live, players who …
Review by Mat C Near Orbital Vanguard Alliance (N.O.V.A) Developer: Gameloft Publisher: Gameloft/Apple Released: 17th December 2009 Available for: iPhone & iPod Touch Time Played: Finished (Single player only) Verdict: 2/5 Rotten Egg One of my favorite things about digital distribution is that it’s possible to log onto store fronts such as Steam and iTunes and access a vast range of content at any time, regardless of a game’s release date, quality or sales figures. …
Review by Steerpike Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor Developer Tiger Style Games Publisher Tiger Style Games Released August 10, 2009 Available for iPhone, iPod Touch Time Played Finished Verdict: 4/5 Thumbs Up “Spider is a platformic puzzler that benefits from exquisitely tuned controls and a surprising depth hidden in the world, for those who take the time to look. It’s also a wonderful game.“
Review by Toger Jules Verne’s Return to Mysterious Island Developer Tetraedge Games, Inc. Publisher Chillingo Ltd. Released June 2009 Available for iPhone/iPod Touch Time Played Finished Verdict: 4/5 Thumb Up I’m not what you’d call a “good” camper. The thought of sleeping on the ground while all manner of critters crawl hither and yon over my body is not my idea of fun… and we won’t even mention the lack of decent bathroom facilities while …