Fez is actually two different games. Only one of them is the game you were promised. I like the other game much better.
Here is another cool thing I did at GDC: play a lot of the games in the IGF. Some of the games have been released already, while others are still works in-progress. The first game I played there fell in to the latter category: Gunpoint. Gunpoint is a work-in-progress being designed and programmed by Tom Francis, with help from indie artists and sound designers. He keeps an extensive development blog, and I’d been following the project for a while, so I chatted with Tom at the event. Somehow from there I managed to get him to send me a test build to play with at home, for the full Gunpoint experience.
Playdead Games’ Limbo has been given a release date! It will finally see the light of day via Xbox Live Arcade on July 21, launching off this year’s “Summer of Arcade.” The asking price is 1200 Microsoft points, that’s $15 or £10.20 in real world currency. If you don’t know anything about the game, which was a winner at IGF 2010, you owe it to yourself to take a look. Email the author of this …