Hi, Tap-Repeatedly. It’s that time again! So… Here’s somewhere between five and ten games I liked in 2019. Below the jump!!
MomoCon in Altanta took place last week, with record crowds for the event peaking 39,000 attendees, in 95 degree heat.
I went to MomoCon last year on accident: I happened to be in the neighborhood, and followed a line of cosplayers to the event the way a hungry cartoon character floats on the scent of a cooling pie.
This year, I flew to Atlanta on purpose. I knew I had fun with my short time at the event the previous year. Critically, I wanted to attend the Devil May Cry panel at the con on Saturday, since the series evolved from a casual interest of mine into an obsession, at a pace that would give you whiplash.
This is a trip report.
I could’ve predicted to you two months ago that this thing was going to be a sensation.
I could’ve and should’ve. I had the headline at least written, but then I got lazy and then I didn’t write anything. Then I played the game.
Devil May Cry 5.
During a conversation over one particular weekend, our beloved fellow columnist Gregg B announced to me that he had, during one particular Demon’s Souls boss encounter, utilized an artificial intelligence (A.I.) glitch to his advantage. Shame on you brother I said, without inquiring for the full story. However, it did get me thinking about A.I. within videogames…
So, I’m a bit of an arachnophobe. I spotted a spider making its way from my living room’s ceiling to my living room’s floor the other day and while I managed to throw it out the window eventually, it involved a lot of screaming and panicked jumps all over the room. To be clear here: I don’t hate spiders. I don’t kill spiders, ever. I merely don’t want them near me. Surely, that is not …