It may seem odd to some that there are still any multiplatform games that don’t play better on PC as we sit here in 2011, but this is a reality that beleaguered football fans have had to endure since the dawn of the current generation. Having provided PC gamers with a sub standard experience for years and delivering an only slightly modified PlayStation 2 engine right up until FIFA 11, it looks like EA are …
Star Wars: the Old Republic is just not working for me and besides Baldur’s Gate, I’ve never really found any Bioware games of interest. The latest trailer released demonstrates very sandy gameplay footage of Tatooine, where we follow a Sith sorcerer as he quests grumpily around the desert. The most striking thing for me is the horrendous HUD, a skill bar that’s jam packed (yet he only ever uses one lightning based skill) and a horrendous speeder that …
He doesn’t really need help, precisely, since he’s got five books out, two movies nearing production, a show on the Travel Channel, and a fluffy hairdo, but you should help him all the same.
June 9 has arrived, meaning my considerably more successful brother Marcus is celebrating the release of his fifth novel, The Two Deaths of Daniel Hayes. Go! Go buy it!
Then come back and read the series of amusing anecdotes below.
I don’t tend to talk about much other than MMOGs here in the Tap silo. I’m sure I drive you all mad; they’re my vice you see. Today though I’ll make an exception and discuss the latest Nintendo console. Briefly, I might add, considering I was more excited when having my tonsils removed than watching Nintendo’s announcement…
E3 is upon us and besides all the usual PR nonsense, nothing has really caught my eye so far (although, I must admit the new Tomb Raider has potential). The latest trailer of From Dust has surfaced and it’s absolutely stunning, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say it “Looks literally too amazing to exist,” like Destructoid have. Let’s get some perspective here; Emma Stone looks too amazing to exist, From Dust just looks …
Review scores don’t matter! So says Randy Pitchford, King of Gearbox and inheritor of 3D Realms’ sloppy seconds. With Duke Nukem Forever finally gold after fourteen years in development, the studio prez is on the PR trail for a little preliminary damage control. Not surprisingly for someone as unoriginal as Pitchford, his approach is… review scores don’t matter.
I just need to compose myself before I write this post… …. …… ……..OK. That should do it. I’m in control of my squeal reflex.
I suppose poor taste is subjective. GamePolitics reports that Disney (!) has applied to trademark the phrase SEAL Team Six for – get this – “entertainment and education services, toys, games, and Christmas stockings, ornaments and snow globes.” Because nothing rounds out your snow globe collection like a team of optimized killers putting a cap in Osama bin Laden from deep inside a liquid-filled globe of yuletide cheer. Commercialization is apparently a cornerstone of Democracy, …
So began today what was perhaps inevitable: those folks who run that Steam thing have allowed themselves to admit to themselves that their wonderful Steam Sales are just that: sales. But also: wonderful. Instead of waiting until the middle of the week, weekend, or holidays celebrating dead people, they’re just going to have the things every damned day. For the rest of time.* Although all that other stuff will surely still occur. As that jerk …
I’m about to unleash the geek. It doesn’t happen very often, but here we go… OH MY F*CKING GOD IT LOOKS A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!!11111111111 *Ahem* That would roughly be translated as ArenaNet, over on their official YouTube channel, have just released a video tour of Guild Wars 2’s Lions Arch. Despite reading Guild Wars 2’s books, my knowledge of Guild Wars lore is limited. I do know however that it was once the main city of the Kingdom …
As you all by now surely know, PSN is down. It went and got itself hacked. And there’s no telling when it’s coming back up. Now Sony has admitted that as many as 70 million user accounts have been compromised, with personal information and encrypted credit card numbers in the paws of some script kiddie. A few analysts are speculating that this little fiasco could cost Sony upwards of $20 billion.
If you haven’t been keeping up with Charr Week over at the official ArenaNet blog, the grand event erupted yesterday with the release of “The Domain of the Charr” video. It’s loud, it’s industrial and it’s bombastic, conjuring feelings of Isengard. Hit the jump to view the video at the bottom of the page, as well as some delicious new wallpapers. Email the author of this post at
From the Land of Ill-Advised comes a report that the Entertainment Software Ratings Board, the official games rating system in North America, has decided to stop doing its job. Because its job is hard. Thus in what I deeply hope is an elaborate and belated April Fool’s trick, the ESRB is switching to a computer-based system with little or no human intervention. Games will now be rated by algorithm and, apparently, a questionnaire that draws …
ArenaNet, after what felt like a lifetime, have just announced Charr Week will be the third installment to their ongoing series dedicated to the races featured in Guild Wars 2. Beginning Monday, ArenaNet will take a closer look (as they have with Human and Norn Weeks) at the feline-like Charr and highlight how they came to be. Charr week, according to the press release, will provide an insight on writing and developing them as a race, …
Given that speculation has been rife about a potential HD successor to the Wii for some time now, news of Nintendo’s next home console may or may not come as much of a surprise. Taking into account the absolute drought of first party Wii support recently, it might not be a surprise at all. Even so, the internet is currently exploding at the news that Nintendo may be preparing to announce it’s next system as …