Joel’s been on a roll these last couple of weeks and managed to get out the final two episodes of season 2 which take a look at Gang Beasts and Abyss Odyssey. Next stop: season 3!
Both of these games I’ve played since then, the former in bouts with other friends and the latter on my own. If you read my Games of 2015 then you’ll recall that Abyss Odyssey was one of my surprises of the year and it’s one I still have hankerings to return to despite finishing it a number of times. It’s proven surprisingly evergreen so it’s interesting to see how we both fared with it when starting out.
It’s also worth mentioning that the Gang Beasts video features arguably our favourite in-game moment of the entire Side by Side adventure.
You can watch both episodes below or swing by our YouTube channel where more fine local multiplayer videos await.
Season 3 is currently in the works, the first episode of which will be coming soon.
Until now Side by Side has seen me and Joel play games without much prior experience so discussions have focussed on the relatively shallow end of the learning curve. We both loved how this captured the excitement of discovery and surprise but also felt that certain games–indeed most games!–like Abyss Odyssey, would benefit from a better understanding of them before we started playing together.
In season 3 we’ve played fewer games to enable us to do deeper dives but also put some hours into them before getting together. I’m excited to see how these turn out and we hope you’ll join us to see for yourself!
As always, a huge thanks to Joel Goodwin for his continued efforts putting these together.
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I really, really like Gang Beasts! It’s a hoot to watch. It would be just fine with me if you and Joel decide to play some more of that.