You’ve waited this long to hear what they’ve been working on…
In this episode: Anthony puts it all in a sentence; Ross talks about incubators (which I’m pretty sure keep velociraptor eggs warm until they hatch) and his mentor. I’ve seen this movie, Ross: you guys move to San Francisco, and sooner or later you’ll have to duel this guy to the death.
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Outstanding! I love seeing what those guys are up to. It is too bad about Ross and his mentor though; Dix is right, these things always end with lightsaber battles.
Toger lives in San Francisco! I volunteer her house. 🙂
Thanks Matt! I REALLY hope our mentor and Ross don’t kill each other, but only time will tell…
You’ll have to check out our Kerm Jam games that we make this weekend! They’ll be posted on our website and probably sites like Kongregate for free as well.
Will Ross still be able to game design if he gets his hand cut off? Because I think that’s the best case scenario here.
Nice to here what you folks are working on, it sounds like a fascinating idea and I can’t wait to see how you’ve gone about implementing it. User generated comedy is a rare thing, there are only a few games that spring to mind that sort of try and cultivate it and they’re QWOP, Sumotori Dreams and Magicka.