I’ve been in a bit of a gaming slump over the summer and into the fall. Nothing has really caught my attention. I drove a Fallout expansion around the block earlier this summer but it just didn’t stick. I made another run at Guild Wars, buying up the last two releases, Factions and Nightfall, killing a couple of weeks grinding away before sputtering to a stop. Korsakovia was an interesting foray into the Half Life 2 universe without the head crabs but again I stalled. Every little thing in the world has kept me from gaming, including an increased social life, back problems, other techie interests and horror of horrors, work. I noticed that the game Risenwas starting to collect posts over at Tap-Repeatedly’s Bollocks forum. I did a little research and realized that I had read about this game somewhere but had forgotten about it. I was in the mood for an RPG so I went down to the local GameStop last week and bought the only copy they had. I’ve been playing it sort of non-stop since .
Risen is the newest release by game developers Piranha Bytes of Gothic fame. I played Gothic 2 obsessively several years back. I liked it so much I picked up the first game in the series, Gothic. I liked it okay though I never finished it. Still, I bought the much maligned Gothic 3 the day it came out and played it for seemingly forever, though I never did quite finish it. So now we have Risen, which is really a Gothic game in everything but name. After the debacle of Gothic 3 Piranha Bytes lost the rights to the name to their original publisher Jowood. Otherwise Risen would no doubt be named Gothic 4. Piranha Bytes have slowly, and seemingly begrudgingly, upgraded the combat interface over the span of the games until finally you can play with a true mouse/keyboard combo like God meant you to.
The game goes like this. Tell me if this sounds familiar.
You are dumped into a hostile world, lost and weak, with a stick as a weapon. You fight off a few horrible critters as you scurry along a path looking for a safe place to hide. You soon come to understand that something terrible has happened and as a result nasty authoritarian types have descended upon this peaceful island, rudely interrupting the local thugs’ protection rackets. There are two main factions, the Inquisitors (the nasty authoritarian types) and the Bandits (the rudely interrupted thugs). The Inquisitors are further split into Mages and Order Warriors. Bandits have no magic, just swords and hideous armor and magic scrolls and live in a crappy swamp. Mages have Big Magic and robes and staves and later Really Big Magic. The Order Warriors have swords and magic and some nice white armor. Inquisitor types also enjoy swanky digs in town and at the Monastery up on the hill. The rest of the countryside is aswarm with things that want to eat you. This is the same basic template of lots of rpgs, but especially of the Gothic series and very especially of Gothic 2 minus the Orcs, which sadly seem nowhere to be found. Maybe Jowood has them all…
I have spent a lot of time merrily leveling up and putting together a basic survival package of skills that include some low level combat, acrobatics for hard to access places, a crossbow for some ranged attacks, and a bit of pickpocketing for cash flow. The character screens are simple, almost crude in appearance. Inventory, like in all the Gothics, is infinite. You can carry everything you find. All of it. You don’t have to throw anything away. Nothing.
Combat is pretty brutal in places and I’m struggling at level 7. I spend lots of time kiting the mini-mobs and often just run around them, noting their location for future reference. I really like the Gothic games, the wonderful open game world and the relatively tight narrative arc compared to such sloppy bags of guts (story-wise) like Oblivion or Fallout 3. I’m still in Chapter 1 but having a great time and I think about the game during the day when I’m not playing it. That, for me, is the truest sign of a good game.
This is the kind of game I would love more than anything to get into, but with the Holiday Massacre in full swing I just don’t have time. I’ve been enjoying the Bollocks thread, and thanks for your great writeup, Scout! Please keep us posted on your progress.
I was delighted to see that Risen was being released. I adore the Gothic games and would never miss the chance to play one, even a buggy one like
Gothic 3. This one was great. Still have to defeat the big boss and will as soon as I get my tap shoes warmed up. Thanks for the review, Scout. I enjoyed it.
Gosh I never even got past the first sword fight in Gothic 3. This after loving the first 2. Scout I totally get where you’re coming from regarding game lethargy. We need some originality! Some new concepts!
I’m guessing this’ll be another of the games I buy but don’t have time to play. Will toss it in the pile with Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Demon’s Souls, Splinter Cell Double Agent….Oh the list gets frightful if I’m not careful.
I love this game. I really, really love this game. It is so different from the RPGs I have played but in some ways so much better.
Why do I think this? It is driven by story. I have been in the Bandit Camp for the last two days and keep talking to people. I finally begin to understand what is going on here. And I can go out and make a difference. I am cleaning the whole place up.
The universe of this game is so much smaller then Oblivion but it is in some ways so much more interesting since you can start to understand the people and the story.
I expect I will have to play a Gothic game if I make it through Risen.
I’ve gone a bit off games lately. Haven’t updated metzomagic.com since the end of June :-\ Never played any of the Gothic games, but the comments here are encouraging. I just might pick up a copy of Risen…