Our friend Igor Hardy over at A Hardy Developer’s Workshop blog has a cool and thought-provoking interview with Tale of a Hero creator Pavel Černohous. Tale of a Hero, a P&C adventure game in the classic Roberta Williams style, is not readily available yet in the States (or readily available widely outside of Eastern Europe at all), but the press has been good. With the adventure genre still in decline, it’s good to see a small culture so ardently supporting it. Furthermore, the rise of Eastern Europe as a game-creation powerhouse continues unchecked, with everything from clever adventures to insta-classics like S.T.A.L.K.E.R., creepy atmospherics like Cryostasis, art-direction genuises like Painkiller, and franchise salvations like Heroes V pouring out of the region as though only Eastern Europeans know how to make good games any more. Check out Igor’s interview here, and behold the T of a H English site yonder.