Ever wonder what made those crop circles you read about in the news? Capcom’s upcoming title, Flock!, may just have the answer. The Flock! universe is inhabited entirely by stuffed toys living in a quilted world. Players will control an other-worldly UFO sent to this comfy world to herd the animals onto a Mothership for purposes… of an undetermined nature. I’m not sure I want to know why these aliens require the plushies. Maybe they can’t get to sleep at night without a cuddly?
Flock uses a sophisticated physics engine that drives the challenging puzzle elements of the game. Whether it’s using the tractor beam to move obstacles out of the way, or the depressor beam to stamp out crop circles to guide your herds, being an extraterrestrial has never been this addictive. And when all the levels have been completed, users can make their own with the level editor that comes with the game.
Flock! definitely has a Lemmings or Pikmin vibe going for it. Judging by the trailer, I know I’ll spend most of my time “catapulting chickens into a minefield of moles” just because I can. Flock! is scehduled for an April 2009 release on XBLA, PSNetwork and, wonder of wonders, PC.
But Toger, how deep is the storyline?
Here I am playing The Witcher – loving every minute as a convoluted story unfolds in a world filled with quirk & humor. Then you come along and dare to suggest that Flock! might be a game to consider?
Not in this lifetime! 😉
Ain’t it great that the World of Gaming is large enough to accommodate both Witchers & Flockers?
In the absence of a forum, I need to ask Scout and Helmut three vital questions:
1. Shani or Triss?
2. Siegfried or Squirrels?
3. Why?
Yapette, we are sure missing the forum. Glad you are enjoying The Witcher–knew you would. I went with Shani because I thought she would be a better mother to Alvin. I chose the Squirrels because they had been so discriminated against.
Oh Pokey, thank you, thank you for your opinions.
I have never liked Triss while Shani is a medic who treats the wounded. I think I’ll go with altruism & dump Triss (although I sure would like to know what that mirror talking was about beg. Chap 3).
Siegfried vs. the Squirrels is a major quandary. I like Siegfried (he seems the epitome of a Paladin) although the Order itself is not very noble.
Haven’t met an individual Squirrel that I like, every one so grouchy with chips on their shoulders (understandably). But, their cause is noble & h*ll, I’m nonhuman too.
This is one game I may isolate a save and try both paths (Order vs Squirrel) for a couple of quests to gauge my comfort level. Wish I felt more strongly either way.
I went with Triss the first play through cause I thought she could better protect Alvin. Shani was nice but sort of naive, I thought.
I went with the Squirrels for the same reason as Pokey.
I stalled on a second play through where I picked Shani and decided to go neutral all the way. Neutral felt more authentic for a Witcher. It didn’t seem like The Witcher would really side with anyone…at least to me. Maybe that is why you don’t feel a strong urge to pick either side…
Triss was not happy when I picked Shani the second time. Thought I was going to end up as a piece of her luggage.
So there are actually three paths. Squirrels. Order of the Rose. Neutral.
I was feeling rather more role-play fondness than normal at the beginning of this game. Normally my role playing decisions are just as conservative as in real life.
1) Shani. The vid of Trish talking into the teleport gate meant I couldn’t trust her and her scheming.
2) Siegfried. Normally I’m all over the underdog, but I felt the land needed order. Plus I wanted the extra armor from the guild armorer.
I’m plugging along in the middle of chapter 4.
Thank you both, Scout & Helmut. The more I talk with humans, the less I like ’em. Even Siegfried has changed since Chapter 2 into cocky-bossy self-importance.
Helmut, *only* reason I wanted to join the Order (besides liking Siegfried) was to get their armor. 🙂
I’m going to try the Middle Way: delicately balance my pissing off sides (while saving often). I’m guessing that neither side is very forgiving.
I read something on a forum once that maybe scout can confirm or deny. There is a decision in Chapter 2 that can’t be avoided, but the decision for true neutrality comes later. I myself haven’t come across this yet but did pull some hair out trying to avoid the original choice.
Helmut, googling “neutral the witcher?” reveals I’m not alone in seeking nonalignment. Chapter 3 (where I am) npcs remind me I cannot remain neutral forever. Thankfully, who you aid at the bank – definitely a faction choice – is not forever binding but must be made in order to advance the plot.
Gleaned from posts asking about neutrality is ******mild spoilerific although not too specific*******
* that near the end of Chapter 4 (where you are) is a crucial, non-revocable choice involving a rescue. Either/or – impossible to stand on the sidelines and watch.