Listen. Can you hear it? Those faint whispers? They’re the faint whispers about a new generation of home games consoles. Whispers that are starting to become steadily more audible; driven by rumor, speculation and internet job postings. When people start to talk about such matters, conversation often moves swiftly on to guessing what features the eventual …
Following on from yesterday’s decision to delay this week’s launch of Motorstorm Apocalypse in Japan, Sony have today also announced their decision to postpone the games release beyond its scheduled Friday launch in the UK.
There were raised eyebrows when ArenaNet first cited Team Fortress 2 as a point of reference for elements of Guild Wars 2’s Player versus Player combat. Most individuals naturally felt the influences between the games would be drawn from the core principals of class team work and players knowing their specific duties within their class …
EA’s on a roll this week! First there was the thing where it banned a user from its forums for (rather politely, actually, at least in forum terms) pointing out that, in his opinion, Dragon Age 2 was shit; the ban extended to his EA account and suddenly the dude was locked out of all …
Breaking through a brick wall. That’s what at times it must feel like for ArenaNet when marketing Guild Wars 2. Outside the relative comfort of fan forums such as Guild Wars 2 Guru, there appears to be a direct lack of understanding or opposition to the fundamental changes they are making to the genre. Embracing …
Review by Lewis B RIFT Developer: Trion Worlds Publisher: Trion Worlds Released: 04th March 2011 Available For: PC Time Played: 50+ hours (and counting) Verdict: 4/5 Thumbs Up! “A well polished and accomplished MMOG that has launched brilliantly. Although there are some minor cosmetic and game issues, it really is a pleasure to play. The class Soul …
I’ve been feeling particularly old within the last week. Maybe it’s down to the harsh realities of adulthood. I’m due to complete the purchase of my first home within the next two weeks and will be a married man in just under three months. As wonderful and exciting as those two events are, they can also be …
An exciting and wordy discussion has been wandering across several of Tap’s forum threads, notably here, and also in various comments on articles. Fully grokking a conversation being held by the Tap community requires a certain ability to master the art of tangential crossover.
ANYWAY, to quickly sum up: some of our debaters did not like Half Life 2, some did, but for variant reasons; everyone likes STALKER but some wanted different things from it; System Shock 2 is very scary but may not have aged well; and something to do with Neocron, plus some other stuff.
Another day, another obnoxious PS3 system update. Seriously, since when did my PC become a more convenient system to use than a console? It wouldn’t be so bad if they downloaded and installed in the background but oh-no, merely downloading them requires the full attention of my system locking me out until they’re finished. I’ve …
Feel free to file this one under Obvious News is Obvious, but the Nintendo 3DS has gone down pretty well after its long awaited launch in Japan. How well exactly? An entire launch shipment of 400,000 units snaffled by hungry gamers in just a few hours. Nom Nom. Predictable as this may be, those are …