Whew, it’s been a while, but like a boomerang tossed into the distance, Side by Side is back!
If you didn’t catch the video announcing our return, check it out here. That’s honestly how it went down. Honest.
In this week’s episode Joel Goodwin of Electron Dance and I take a look at Lululu Entertainment’s effervescent Bämeräng. Summon your ‘booms’, toss them at your opponent(s) and collect 30 dropped biscuits/Doritos to get a match point towards winning (and dancing with) the golden boomerang. I don’t mention it in the video, but I love the music in this.
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To contact the author of this post email greggb@tap-repeatedly.com
GREGG: There’s a left- and right-handed throw, which sort of determines how the boomerang will curve, and you can charge your throw, so th-
JOEL: oh really?
GREGG: What?
JOEL (CONT’D): There’s a left-handed throw and and a right-handed throw. Well that’s… some news to me.
And that’s why we love Side by Side. It made my day to see you two (apparently ageless) gentlemen once again to a side of the other. This looks as quirky and stylish as they come. I can imagine what a challenge it would be to master those looping, semi-unpredictable throws while also trying to avoid falling off your… battle plateau.
Four players would be a hoot. Talk about chaos.
So happy to see you two back on the sofa!
Thanks Matt! We were so rusty when we first got together after such a long hiatus. We kicked off recording with a game that wasn’t ideal for getting us fired up so it was quite a slow start. In hindsight, Bamerang should have been that game because it was just instant fun, and so simple and energetic too.
It’s been really nice seeing everyone’s reactions to Side by Side returning. Makes it all worth while! 🙂