I apologize for the long silences around the Tap-Repeatedly bonfire of late. We were never a multiple-article-a-day type of place, but over the past year or so it’s really slowed down, partly because we’ve had fewer contributors shouldering more of the workload, and partly because I haven’t been pulling my own weight. But despite how it may seem, I have no plans to call it a day.
I’ve been having a weird lexical dry spell for the past, uh, two years. I think I mentioned this before, but it feels (to me) like I woke up one day only to discover that I’d forgotten how to write. I guess the specifics are a little more nuanced, but that’s an easy way to describe it. Professional writers come in all different flavors, and I happened to be one of those for whom volume was never really a problem. Several thousand words were an average day for me — maybe not always good words, but still — and it’s just the way I was always used to doing it. So when it changed I was kind of thrown for a loop, and I spent too much time sitting there waiting for the problem to go away when I’d have been wiser to just teach myself a different way of writing.
Regardless, I’m sorry if Tap-Repeatedly has been a casualty of this problem and I hope to reverse the trend in coming weeks. As it happens we are in the market for additional writers, so if you know anyone pass their names along. Our existing contributors are amazing — not just in terms of volume but also of quality. In fact they set a rather high bar for others, and I’m looking forward to fuel-injecting Tap so it’s once again a hopping little forum for their words and thoughts.
This is Steerpike’s email. Click it! (you don’t have to, but if you want to you can)
Yeah, we’ve all been bitten. My excuse.. I uh… my computer doesn’t have a keyboard anymore? Yeah. Yeah, that’s it.
The English language killed my family, or something. If I post it will have to be in Klingon.
Back when Meho wrote for us regularly I was always trying to get him to write something in his native language, so we’d be all cosmopolitan and worldly and stuff. He never did it it though. Klingon, too, would be a nice cultural addition to the site!
It would be a sad day to ever see Tap Repeatedly (FFC) go down for good. Even if updated scribes are few and far between, it is a home. I would write, but forget the writer’s block, I am just a sucky writer/blogger. My reading skills are much more nuanced.
Still hoping treating my recently diagnosed ADHD and comorbidities will bring back the writing I was capable of in my teens and let me contribute something here. I wish you calm and good fortune, patience and inspiration.