And now you all know what my living room looks like.
Yes, the PS3 Slim price drop, not to mention the promise of Demon’s Souls and The Last Guardian and Heavy Rain all conspired to see me at Best Buy yesterday, being lectured by a 19-year old about the importance of paying $129 to have the Geek Squad set it up for me. I was able to accomplish the task myself (though I can’t get my rear speakers to work with it, someone help me), and am proud owner not only of a new PS3, which I have named Bertrand, but also Batman and Valkyria Chronicles. I really don’t have time to play the games I already owned, but hey, life’s short, god willing.
I’m not going to post any comments about your rebirth as a frat-boy console jockey.
I want to know what kind of vacuum you used to get those circular tracks around the legs of the media cabinet. 😀
To get your rear speakers working you have to enable 5.1 in your audio settings and the various frequencies that your system supports. That’s quite vague because I can’t quite remember exactly. Let me know if you’re still having trouble though and I’ll have a look on mine and get back to you!
The games you’ve mentioned (Heavy Rain, The Last Guardian and hell, even Demon Souls) are about the only things I’m getting excited about for the PS3. I’ve been really disappointed with the Big Hitters so far *looks at LittleBigPlanet for it’s charming yet pitiful platforming and GTAIV for it’s general donkey-ball-suckosity*. And for the record, I emailed you sometime ago praising your GTAIV review but the mailer daemon said no. It’s the reason I found this site btw!
Dobry: just for that, you are not invited to play Batman. So there.
Toger: I have a Roomba named Arnold that does the cleaning. Totally worth the money, but he does leave odd patterns in the carpet.
Gregg: I did enable 5.1 audio in the settings, but it keeps switching back to 2-channel. I suspect it may be something related to the connections – I’ve got the HDMI cable going into the TV, then an optical digital audio cable going into the receiver. Also, oddly, my universal remote doesn’t adjust the volume when the PS3 is running. The volume number goes up and down on the receiver, but the actual level of sound doesn’t change. Any thoughts?
Thanks for failing to send me an email about the GTAIV review. I’m always gratified to hear from people who see as clearly as I did how much that game sucked. 🙂
I finally know someone who has a PS3. What good games are there for it, my most esteemed console jockey buddy?
Actually it’s an older game that finally pushed me into the purchase – Valkyria Chronicles, which I am absolutely loving. It’s a tactical RPG that, sadly, didn’t sell well at all despite great reviews. And there are some very intriguing games coming up (the aforementioned Heavy Rain, plus Demon’s Souls which our Meho wrote so lovingly about), and The Last Guardian, which comes from the same team that did Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. With the price drop, it was just the right time to buy.
And before this console jockey crap goes too far, I’ll have you know that I’ve got like twelve PC games on my list for the current holiday massacre – which stands to be the most brutal yet, despite the June/July release flurry. Borderlands, Modern Warfare 2, Alpha Protocol, Call of Pripyat, Left 4 Dead 2, and Dragon Age will all be PC games in the Sakey Household.
Congrats on your bouncing baby system, dude! You officially have the coolest pad in the world.
Hey, is there a scratch on that TV?
It might be something to do with the ‘Linear PCM’ or ‘Bitstream’ setting. If you’ve digital coax/optical cables then you’ll need to select Bitstream because the volume of information at higher qualities can’t travel down those cables so I think it defaults back to 2 speakers. If you have HDMI-in on your amp that passes audio as well use that.
I haven’t a clue regarding the remote though!
Interestingly my PS3 has mainly been used for films and Motor Storm: Pacific Rift. GTAIV was a waste of time. LBP just wasn’t fun to play. Dead Space got really repetitive and predictable. Uncharted was good fun for a while but suffered the same fate as GTAIV: scripted sequences that eliminate player creativity and allow no freedom to affect the outcome. Why am I playing if you’re going to decide how the bad guy cops it?! Well?!
On the PlayStation Store front, I’d highly recommend Everyday Shooter if you’re partial to a little Rez meets Mutant Storm. It’s a great indie title that can be played in short bursts.
What I want is a PS3 emulator. And heck I’d probably pretty gladly pay $200 for it if Sony just wised up. Imagine: it could charge for the software to run the system w/o engendering any hardware costs!
You see that? You people encourage him! It’s all fun and games to Helmut, but I’ll show him. There will be a reckoning… oh yes.
Is that anything like a Highlander reckoning where there can be only one?
In a gesture of respect for all the things you do around here Steerpike, all the thousands of things that magically get done without anyone noticing, all the writing guidance and leadership by example, and just out of a general sense of closeness and affinity, your character got some hair this time. Have fun with the new platform.