I’m glad we had the chance to do this, and frankly I wish it’d been reasonable (or realistic) to record a much longer, more organized conversation with such smart people about such a smart game as The Last of Us. As this longest console generation winds down, it seems reasonable to say that this game will be remembered as its crowning achievement, a Shadow of the Colossus for the PS3 era – and that’s two generations in a row wrapped up not with some great bro-shooter epic but with something melancholy, thoughtful, often heartbreaking, and deeply meaningful to those who played it. The Last of Us, from serial hitmaker Naughty Dog, is a game based on a lie. There are zomboids and bandits, there’s beating people to death with bricks, there’re set piece battles aplenty. But it started with the lie, it’s about the lie, and maybe in the end the lie is all that really matters.
Ben Hoyt is an old friend and longtime industry veteran – he did a Celebrity Guest Editorial for us a while back, and has appeared as a guest star in some of my posts over the years. We’ve been meaning to do a sort of sweeping discussion of the Mass Effect series for some time now, and it’s ready at last!
Mortals, The Alliance of Awesome rises again! Tap-Repeatedly. Bits ‘n’ Bytes Gaming. Electron Dance. This week, Joel “Harbour Master” Goodwin of Electron Dance wrangles much of the Alliance’s European Contingent outside the Eurogamer Expo. Semi-drunken interviews follow. Clicky the clicky to click another thing in which the podcast lurks. Highlights: thoughts on Guild Wars 2, on Rage, on Zelda: Skyward Sword, on Skyrim, on great-looking indies, and much more. All delivered to you from the …
Mortals, behold the Alliance of Awesome! Tap-Repeatedly. Bits ‘n’ Bytes Gaming. Electron Dance. We three have joined forces to be ever more awesome! Three great sites that share community and ideals, and eventually world domination, piped now into your home via the interwebs. What does it mean? We’re going to share content from time to time, pimp our respective sites, and we’re recording podcasts and stuff. Our first podcast lurks below. Highlights: Armand of BnB …