It’s not easy being a Mac owning gamer. For so long the deserved recipient of the industries jokes and PC gamers distain, gaming on Mac has always been something of an afterthought, falling some way down on Apple’s priorities both from a hardware and software perspective. With games software remaining overpriced, underpowered and largely unsupported, Mac gaming has existed as the proverbial wasteland for the mouse and keyboard loyalist. However, to quote the ever quotable …
The developers for The Path, the new game that has everyone scratching their head, has just announced the release of the Mac version. TransGaming did the honors and you can read about it here. As is typical whenever PC and Mac rub up against each other, there are a few sparks. (Get a room already Mac and PC! Oh wait, they already did.) According to the Tale of Tales blog, sales have been charting steadily …