It’s not easy being a Mac owning gamer. For so long the deserved recipient of the industries jokes and PC gamers distain, gaming on Mac has always been something of an afterthought, falling some way down on Apple’s priorities both from a hardware and software perspective. With games software remaining overpriced, underpowered and largely unsupported, Mac gaming has existed as the proverbial wasteland for the mouse and keyboard loyalist. However, to quote the ever quotable …
Well, that was a fairly lengthy wait. After initially penning my thoughts on the iPad and my own personal purchasing dilemma back in March, the iPad has finally been made available for pre-order beyond the state lines and borders of the good old Yoo Ess. It’s been a long old wait, one not helped by an almost constant desire to import, but one I’m hoping will prove to be worth it in the long run. …
Tired? Stressed? Working too long? Struggling to muster up enough energy to get busy with the better half? Perhaps your smartphone is to blame. According to Gizmodo sister site Jezebel, a recent study conducted by pharmaceutical company Bayer revealed that 28% of women blamed the iPhone and Blackberry for the lack of their partners sex drive. Sitting alongside other predictable factors such as fatigue and the everyday stresses of the working man, smartphones increasingly appear …
I should probably start this piece by laying my cards on the table right away. I am a self-certified, unashamed Apple fanboy. One who will make no apologies for being so. I have bricked up all of the windows on my house in an effort to rid myself completely of the dirty “W” word, I have more of those cute Apple stickers than I now have non-Apple items to falsely re-brand, and when Steve Jobs …
Review by Lewis B Peggle Developer: PopCap Games Publisher: PopCap Games/Apple Released: 27th February 2007, May 2009 (App Store) Available for: iPhone/iPod Touch (version reviewed) PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Nintendo DS, Java ME, Windows Mobile and MAC OS Time Played: N/A Verdict:5/5 Gold Star As one of the most addictive puzzle games I have ever played, Peggle deserves and justifies the praise it has received since its launch. A quirky, vibrant game with great visuals, …