I’ve been playing more co-op games recently than I ever have and when you’re playing with the right people they’re the most fun you can have with your clothes on. If you play with your clothes off then that passion could have no boundaries, so be careful. I’ve got two words to sum up my thoughts on this Portal 2 video posted over at RPS this morning: Oh my.
Uh-Oh. Sony have made plenty of mistakes with the PlayStation 3, but one area where the system has experienced almost unanimous success over the last few years has been in the fight against piracy. Although other consoles have become fraught with widespread problems relating to pirated software, including Sony’s own PSP, the PlayStation 3 has long been regarded as the last safe haven against such activities. There have been warning signs before, and Sony had …
No shooting, maiming, or blowing things to bits. No beating anything to death with a shoehorn and arms will not be used for bludgeoning. Codemasters is releasing F1-2010 on 22-September for all the major platforms (PS3, XBox 360, PC, Wii, PSP, Mac) which is in itself notable coverage and must have taken forever to get working. While there have been mods for F1 in rFactor, this is the first major purely F1 branded product since …
APB creator Realtime Worlds be leavin’ the hizzle, dawg. Various outlets report that the company has entered administration, which I guess is kind of like bankruptcy but politely British. Despite a reasonable amount of pre-release interest in the gang-banger MMO, the game imploded almost immediately upon hitting shelves, thanks to a disastrous public beta and lukewarm reviews.
I’m screwed. We’re all screwed. We’re coming back as dung beetles and fruit flies and those parasites that swim up your urine when you pee in the Amazon. Why? The Karma Police.
I certainly doubt that GSC will attempt to develop another proprietary engine. — Me, April 5, 2010 That’s the kind of wisdoms you can expect from yours truly, my friends: completely inaccurate ones. Word comes across the vines of grapes that Ukrainian developer GSC Game World is hard at work on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 with plans for a 2012 release, and will – contrary to all sanity, logic, and sense – be developing a new engine …
Oh, wowzers! A short while ago, Ken Levine (the master behind the original BioShock) and his team at Irrational Games well and truly blew the lid off their next major project. Although we knew an announcement of some description was due, what exactly the world was about to see has remained a mystery. Until now, that is. BioShock is back, but unlike its direct sequel from earlier on this year, the franchise’s true Big Daddy is …
The original Mafia was a game I always wanted to love but never really did. As something of a fan of popular gangster culture in the film industry, I’ve always wanted 1930s gangland Chicago to translate well to video games. As far as the history of the criminal underworld goes, the era’s rather unique blend of quick talkin’, trilby wearin’, suited and booted, Tommy gun totin’ kingpins should really translate well to gaming. For one reason or another however, it never really has. Mafia wasn’t a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but despite such a rich abundance of source material to pick up on, it was a game which in my opinion lacked an identity or a unique sell.
Despite mixed feelings on the original however, Mafia II has remained firmly on my radar for some time. Thanks to the pre-release demo launched on Xbox Live, PlayStation Network and Steam yesterday, I’ve finally had an opportunity to get my hands on this long awaited sequel.
It’s been eleven months since I last set foot into Warhammer Online. As one of the first to play the game throughout its closed BETA period and launch, I had certainly burnt myself out by late October last year. Playing one class exclusively, and encountering many of the game’s trials and tribulations, a break was certainly much needed…
The tubes are alight with new rumors that Gearbox – creators of Borderlands and one of those WWII games, Medal of Brothers or Call in Arms or whatever – has been tapped to take over development of Duke Nukem Forever, a game that’s been in development since the Paleozoic and finally got canceled in 2009 when 3D Realms, its creator, went belly-up.
Last night I saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (oh, sweet sweet Netflix auto-streaming to Xbox, how I love thee). It was pretty brutal – not quite as brutal as the book, which spent pages exquisitely describing sexual torture – but pretty brutal. Michael Nyqvist was great, Noomi Rapace was a revelation; Niels Oplev proves himself to be a solid, talented director. An excellent movie, but not for the faint of heart or those …
The website People of Walmart may be old hat to some. I’m sure many Americans witness scenes like these every week (heck, I assure you some of these fine people would look right at home in the UK’s very own Walmart-owned Asda stores) and I’m fully expecting a call from 2009 to ask for it’s website back, but as an immature Englishman who has only just discovered the site, I’m currently finding People of Walmart …
Review by Xtal Dead Space Developer: EA Redwood Shores Publisher: Electronic Arts Released: 14 October 2008 Available for: PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 [reviewed] Time Played: Completed twice (approximately 25 hours) Verdict: 3/5 Middlin’ “Dead Space had no need to cater to an expected “mainstream shooter” audience. It had enough unique tricks that could have made it a wholly altered experience. Unfortunately it comes out bland and carbon-copied”
As in “things Japanese people are pissed about.” Rock, Paper, Shotgun ran this and I just have to pass it along. Those are Japanese people holding signs written in Japanese complaining about Japanese roleplaying games and how they’re linear and stuff. Whole image follows.
Oh, Bobby Kotick, you rascal you. Your corporate behavior isn’t enough, is it? No, the descent to the Dark Side must be paved with more than just unabashed greed and squicky business dealings. To be truly evil, you have to fire an employee who’s filed a sexual harassment charge. It’s a good thing the courts are less slime-covered than you.