Welcome one and all to A Weekend With, a brand new feature to Tap-Repeatedly and the ever wonderful Alliance of Awesome. Starting from Friday 21st October (that’s this week, folks!) Tap-Repeatedly staff, contributors, readers and friends will be getting together on a semi-regular basis to play a wide variety of games both old and new, indie and mainstream, with the aim of later discussing our experiences and reporting back to you, our lovely readers. Participation …
There are few things that I am willing to buy immediately — Portal 2, the VVVVVV soundtrack, half price Ben & Jerry’s, a cling film dispenser — even Steam sales have trouble seducing me into their vortexes of spending. Well, add something else to that swelling list of insta-buys: XOC’s rendition of the Super Mario Bros. 3 soundtrack. I saw it, I bought it.
I’ve started to utilise the Auction House for the first time in my MMOG history. I’ve always adopted trade skills in any MMOG, to their maximum ability, yet have never actually used it to weigh down my pockets with gold, only to ever benefit myself in the form of potions (for personal use)…
Things have been awfully quiet around here lately; so quiet in fact that if you listen carefully you can hear the muffled staff beatings being issued by our Overlord Steerpike deep within the bowels of the Tap-Repeatedly silo. It’s only right that I distract you from their disparaging (and hopefully short lived) whimperings with the sweet, sweet sound of music…
“We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz!” one merry man sings as he gallops around me dizzyingly. I’m in the Land of the Dead (an appropriate title for a desert filled with skeletons and token scorpions) and I’ve joined a party lead by a rough looking Warrior Priest. ‘Sigmar’ is scrawled across his forehead. I’m unsure whether its carved into his skin, or written on in blood, but either way he’s …
“Has anyone got any Golden Scarabs spare?” I ask mid battle, as we bound across Dragonwake from Eataine. Our band of merry men plough through the lush green fields as one hulking mass of armour and death. In ancient times Dragons would heed the call of Princes to defend the lakes, but I get the impression it is their day off today and it’s down to us, instead…
Since the dizzying heights of my birthday post about a month ago I’ve changed my mind on the name of this musical interlude featurette. The phrase “I can feel the epicness flowing through my balls” did originally make me laugh, but now… now it’s just a questionable YouTube comment. I feel so dirty. Anyway, since I can’t think of a witty name I’m putting the onus on you funny bastards to come up with something …
So, it’s my birthday and I’ll Tap if I want to.
While the rest of the editors of this site are gumming up their keyboards and controllers drooling over Dragon this and Dragon that, and RPG this and RPG that, I’ve been busily scouring the Interweb for the latest news in racing sims since last Spring. It’s hard to believe my steering wheel has been in a box somewhere since last April. This has set my sim racing career back a full decade in real racing …
Review by MrLipid Heaven: the Game Developer Genesis Works LLC Publisher Genesis Works LLC Released September 2009 Available for PC Time Played All the way to heaven Verdict: 2/5 Rotten Egg As the fellow who reviewed the pair of games in the Wild Divine series, it seems only fitting that I take on (and offer my take on) Heaven. After all, both Wild Divine and Heaven make claims about improving the spirituality of their players, …
It has come to my attention that some gamers enjoy a bit of didactic discourse. Dissection and deconstruction fashioned into posts and comments aimed at interpretation and insight seem to rule Tap-Repeatedly’s front page. Do Games = Art and if so, how and why? Luckily, gaming is all about choice. In order for games, or any single title, to be classified as High Art, logic suggests there must be a continuum. A comparative analysis among games, if …
In this installment I look at why we find it so hard to approach all problems with a fresh outlook
I love great performance stories – not just racing – but stories of human achievement from all endeavors. They are all stories of our human experience. The heroes have their day, the goats get their place in history, and everyone else provides the context against which such things are measured. I also enjoy the way, over time, that factual aspects of such stories start to blur and take on aspects of urban legend even if …
Ever wanted to see your name up in lights? You too can become a Star!
My best time for this installment is down to 7:15.563. At this stage it takes far longer to get a faster lap than before. The days of just going out and learning to do some section a bit better and setting a new faster lap are over.