In this week’s episode of Side by Side, Joel Goodwin of Electron Dance and I play Hypersect’s crisp ‘negative-space shooter’ Inversus. I mean, just look at it.
The rules are simple: destroy the other player(s). Black can move through white squares, white can move through black squares. Black bullets make squares white, white bullets make squares black. Charged shots span three squares. Bullets are finite and take time to recharge. Collectible red bullets are super fast.
The idea is that you’re always carving up the arena and restricting your opponent’s movement while simultaneously opening up your own. It’s a deliciously clever core mechanic, beautifully and coolly presented. Inversus features a tough campaign to solo or co-op through (with score-chasing), as well as online and local multiplayer for up to four players. Add in bots and you’ve got a solid party package here that’s available on PC, Switch, PS4 and Xbox One.
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