I know what you’re thinking. You love the great taste, wholesome values and nutritional benefits of the Alliance of Awesome, but you just don’t have enough ways to absorb or interact with its lovely staff, readers and contributors. You need and crave more.
Fear not, discerning gamers of impeccable taste and style. Not only is the Alliance of Awesome gifting you three awesome websites (Tap-Repeatedly, Bits ‘N’ Bytes Gaming and Electron Dance) and three awesome Twitter feeds (@taprepeatedly,@bnbgaming and @ElectronDance), but we’re now proud to introduce the official Alliance of Awesome Steam group. Whether you’re a staff writer, contributor, reader or friend of any of our three websites, feel free to drop by and say hello. Or just blast your fellow Alliance members to pieces in a spot of online gaming. We’re cool with either.
Does this mean we have to permanently stay offline on Steam to make sure all the groupies can’t find us?
Personally I’m afraid people will see how often I play Defense Grid.
Ill be joining, although the only game I play through steam atm is Deus Ex: Human Revolution. So unless you want to play as one of the hapless guards with a snapped spinal cord I’m not sure how much of a useful group member I’ll be!