My parents named me “Matthew.” It’s a good name, a reasonable name that places no undue burden on me. If I was a girl I was going to be “Christine.” Also good.
What if my parents had named me “Deathwing,” though? If my name were Deathwing Sakey and I turned out as I have – as a mild-mannered games industry consultant and user of unnecessarily long sentences – would I be… complete? Shouldn’t I be burninating the countryside with a name like that? There’s a lot in a name.
There’s a dragon named Deathwing in World of Warcraft’s upcoming expansion Cataclysm. And he lived up to his name, as evidenced by this new trailer. You can see how below!
But I’ve got some questions. Are we just talking one of the wings here? Or both? A dragon with only one deathwing would be kind of lopsided.
Also, what were Deathwing’s parents’ names? I’m guessing not “Puff,” that’s for sure. When Deathwing was a baby dragon did they make any effort to raise him right? Did Mrs. Deathwing tell her child that he was free to pursue any career and she would still love him, even though his name suggests a certain amount of death, on wings? Or was he pushed into this deathwinging?
Kinda makes you feel sorry for him, really. Parents shouldn’t pressure their children to be doctors or soldiers or bringers of ruin like that.
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I think Deathwing’s parents are technically Metzen and Samwise. Ask them what the hell they were thinking.
As for his in-game parents, I don’t think he has any? I think the baddest of the bad dragons just pop out of holes somewhere in “The Green Dragon Flight” or whatever the heck it’s called.
Great cutscene. What a shame though that new WoW players won’t ever experience Azeroth how it once was- but for what it now is.
The permancy of the changes Cataclysm brings (although different) I’m not sure are for the better. The original world was just stunning.
I hate to be the spoilsport here, but “Deathwing” is a name that he gave to himself after he went crazy and decided to kill everything.
His real name is Neltharion.
All right, fair enough, shows that I don’t know anything about WoW mythology. : )
Of course, if my parents had named me Neltharion, that kinda creates expectations too…
I still like Deathwing Sakey. It sounds like a highway, or some lude motel. And it certainly does create expectations.
It’s not too late for your future daughter/son.
Or cement your ego with Gimme Sakey