I’ve been playing more co-op games recently than I ever have and when you’re playing with the right people they’re the most fun you can have with your clothes on. If you play with your clothes off then that passion could have no boundaries, so be careful. I’ve got two words to sum up my thoughts on this Portal 2 video posted over at RPS this morning:
Oh my.
Edit: Gametrailers’ embedded videos are lousy so check it out in HD here.
I played through Braid with my girlfriend and it was brilliant to be able to share the experience with somebody else even if the game wasn’t explicitly co-operative. In the past me, my brother and mum used to sit together working our way through various adventure games, sharing our thoughts on the different puzzles and scratching our collective heads trying to solve them: being stuck was what it was all about and when that elusive solution emerged the satisfaction was palpable. But to see Portal 2 embrace an out-and-out co-op puzzle experience, one where the players interact directly with each other in the game space just looks so refreshing and downright incredible, and well, downright Valve. After a seemingly endless supply of co-op action shooters I just can’t wait for this. And just look at those god-damn robots.
Email the author of this post at greggb@tap-repeatedly.com
That looks sweet! I admit I’ve been a bit worried about Portal making the transition to “full game,” but I trust Valve. They haven’t done wrong by me yet. Great find, Gregg.
I am avoiding all videos of Portal 2. As I trust Valve, I’ll probably buy this when it comes out regardless. One of the few times I can avoid all coverage without worrying about whether the game will be any good or not.
I couldn’t resist looking after seeing the header picture at RPS and, like you HM, it seems quite a few people are avoiding any sort of exposure to Portal 2. The header here y’see is a bit more vague because of that. Otherwise, I know very little else having avoided most of the coverage myself as well.
Oh my indeed. I’ve just shit myself with excitement!
Easy now brother, some man-sized Huggies are on the way.
Anyone seen the latest, extended co-operation trailer for Portal 2?
I’m going to go ahead and say the unfuckingthinkable ………. I’m not really digging any of these trailers. GLaDOS has ceased to amuse me. “Or I’ll make you wish you could die.” Huh? I want some cake. Eff this fat robot skinny robot non-funny GLaDOS crap.
GLaDOS died in style in 2007. I killed her myself. Bringing her back is like reclaiming Boba Fett from the jaws of the sarlacc pit: pure, unnecessary fan fiction. You hear that, Valve? Fan fiction!!
I’m really going to die for this one. Flame on! (No, please don’t. I’m so tender.)
Me and you should play this coop xtal, it’d be worth it just to hear you wiping your face on the keyboard. If it all gets too much I could always kill you with my high pitch laugh over Steam chat.
Xtal, you wrong mutha fucka’!
Why shouldn’t Glados live, she’s an AI chick after all; she can live in tiny circuit boards!
I ought to pay for this, eh? Crazy talk on my part. I don’t know. I guess I’m bitter because I feel that it wasn’t some clever grand scheme that “kept her alive,” so to speak, but the gaping maw of a million GLaDOS fanboys instead.
But that’s just life then, isn’t it? A bunch of double/triple/quadruple wank and shit chips? Served over cold rice, no less.
I’m just a bloody complainer. Maybe inside I’m just nerd-ragin’ because I want Episode 3? Down with me, down with me, down with me! * chant chant chant *
Portal 2 will be all win. I’m just a jerk. And perhaps a wee bit of a misanthrope too.