Don’t lie: who among us doesn’t occasionally sit bolt upright in bed, drenched in sweat, eyes big as saucers? Our partner, lover, girl (or boy) picked up at the cheap bar down the street, and/or pet paws at us worriedly. “What is it?” they ask.
But how can we communicate the terror to them? They’d never understand. Only those who’ve actually been through the horror – and the subsequent political fallout – can truly know what it means to feel fear. Only those of us scarred by it can remember the shrieking, the blood, the frantic race back to the dropship, trained soldiers falling over each other in terror, in their desperate need to run, to flee, to get away…
Yes, only someone who’s inadvertently sent a Skyranger to a crash site and found it swarming with Ethereals can understand. Only this loose brotherhood shares our nightmare.
Anyway, Edge online has a lovely little article on the making of one of the greatest games of the last forty years. Call it UFO, or X-COM, or Enemy Unknown, call it what you will. The Ethereals will find you regardless.
I demand a “Re-boot” of this franchise. DEMAND IT