Ironic to see this given our recent debates over Fallout: New Vegas, and worthy of discussion: The Escapist’s Editor-in-Chief Russ Pitts has written an open letter to the makers of games, asking them to stop making broken ones. I quote: How many of you know your history? How many of you know that the videogame industry, often considered “recession proof” once suffered a major crash, in the 1980s during the last great economic recession? How many …
Shameless self-promotion? Yes. No! (But yes). We love The Escapist here at Tap-Repeatedly, with all its escaping and its clever videos and its pretty graphic design and its outstanding contributions and its willingness to publish me, little tiny me, every now and then. Today they published my article on IGDA reform, a subject near and dear to my heart. You should read it! So should your friends!