Review by Mat C Alan Wake Developer Remedy Entertainment Publisher Microsoft Game Studios Released 14 May 2010 (EU), 18 May 2010 (US) Available for Xbox 360 Time Played Finished Verdict: 5/5 Gold Star “That said however, Alan Wake is still an incredibly well put together package. From a technical stand point the game is perhaps a year or two outdated and it’s hard to see where more than five years of development time really went …
Potentially bad news for Remedy Entertainment, as its long-awaited horror title Alan Wake, an Xbox 360 exclusive, apparently moved only about 88,000 units in its first week of release.
Hey kids, you’re about to learn a fine new piece of Videogames Industry Phraseology. It’s new, even for my kind! We’ve only been using it for like a month, and now you’re about to uncover its mysteries… When a publisher – say, hypothetically, Microsoft – announces that a game – say, hypothetically, Remedy’s upcoming Alan Wake – will utilize “Project Ten Dollar” style DLC, what do you think that means? UPDATE: despite my concerns, Kotaku …
A post on Videogaming247 includes translated snippets of a Finnish-language interview with Remedy Entertainment’s lead writer, Sami Järvi. Remedy has been toiling away on Alan Wake for about a bazillion years now, and looks to be needing a bazillion more. And that makes Steerpike a sad, sad panda.