This is a barely legible meditation of how chasing Hollywood audience and Hollywood dollars (but without having the advantage of Hollywood accounting) is absolutely killing AAA games. At this rate, there won’t be any left mid-next generation. Remember, you read it here first.
I was playing through Aliens vs. Predator the other night when I saw my good friend and gaming insider Matt Sakey (a.k.a. Steerpike) on Steam. Ah, Steam. You allow me to intrude on my friends at my whim. I sent Sakey a one-sentence review of Metro 2033: “I’m punishing Metro 2033 for being a stupid, stupid game. STOOPID.” To his credit, Matt did not immediately log off and instead responded: “Is that stoopid as in …
This is how things work. Out of the blue. Not as planned. When you least expect it, never according to common wisdom, but otherwise. Always otherwise.