I wanted people from my group to also play the game, to the point where I promised them a free game of equal value if they picked up Nier:Automata, played through the whole thing, and said they didn’t feel it was worth full price. I REALLY wanted them to play it.
GamePro refers us to an important announcement coming out of Japan: PlatinumGames, the offspring of shuttered Viewtiful Joe and Okami developer Clover Studio, is rebranding as Platinum Next and calling attention to this fact with a sternly-worded letter to Japanese game development.
Numbers aren’t happy for Platinum Games’ latest Madworld, the artistically gory black-and-white-and-red-all-over chainsaw brawler for the Wii. NPD reports that U.S. sales for the title hit a pathetic 66,000 for the month of March, and this in a period when we’re not seeing a lot of console blockbusters jockeying for attention. It’s a pity, but not unexpected.