Tap reader and good buddy Igor Hardy of A Hardy Developer’s Journal clued me into his latest interview, this one with Andrej Bevec of Clever Hans Productions. The two-man team’s been hard at work on a new click adventure called Briefcase Romanin, a Microsoft Dream Build Play contestant. Hand drawn and lavishly detailed, Briefcase Romanin won’t be limited to the 360 platform, either – there’s to be a PC release, and the luscious HD trailer …
T-R Regular and all-around-good-guy Igor Hardy of A Hardy Developer’s Workshop is pleased and proud to announce the demo release of his own game, Frantic Franko: A Bergzwerg Gone Berserk. As crazed and campy as the title makes it out to be, FF is sure to charm slightly off-kilter adventure lovers with its clever conversation system, Verbcoin-powered action interface, and loony attitude. Toss in Łukasz Pawlik’s soundtrack and we have ourselves a winner. Check out …
Our friend Igor Hardy over at A Hardy Developer’s Workshop blog has a cool and thought-provoking interview with Tale of a Hero creator Pavel Černohous. Tale of a Hero, a P&C adventure game in the classic Roberta Williams style, is not readily available yet in the States (or readily available widely outside of Eastern Europe at all), but the press has been good. With the adventure genre still in decline, it’s good to see a …