Review by Meho Krljic Zeno Clash Developer Ace Team Publisher Valve Corporation/ Noviy Disk Released April 21, 2009 Available for PC Verdict: 4/5 Thumbs Up “If punching people in the face was this fun in real life no one would be taking heroin, going to college or playing videogames”
Review by Steerpike Developer DICE Publisher EA Released November 12, 2008 (Console); Jan 14, 2009 (Windows) Available for Windows XP/Vista, Xbox 360 (version reviewed), PS3 Verdict: 3/5 Middlin’ “While it is innovative, and very courageous, it doesn’t hold that much needed glass up to the rest of videogaming and say ‘see? This is what you look like. Aren’t you ashamed?’ It could have, but it didn’t.”