I have this old Acer netbook that’s paid its dues. Now it lives by the sofa, out in the living room. I use it to see if that actress has done nudity order food, check my email during TV Time, that sort of thing. In hearty spirit of our (my) recent Game of Thrones world, the Netbook By The Sofa can be seen as my Barristan Selmy, my old knight that’s done its duty and should …
I’m not entirely sure I believe this, but Atlus has announced – rather tersely – that its just-released-in-Japan erotic horror title Catherine will not be wading across any oceans. Specifically, they say this: Catherine is a Japan-only game and there are no plans for a NA release at this time. Sorry about that!
Sexually-charged or erotic horror lurks with its brethren among the thousand offspring of the horror genre, that monster umbrella that gives us everything from slasher’s teenage morality to torture porn’s revolting screams and arterial sprays. All in all horror is the most diversely subgenrefied (and among the most studied) categories of fiction. And among the least commonly used subgenres within it is erotic horror, because it’s hard hard hard to do. So we’ll have to …