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The Last Guardian
Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
August 16, 2012 - 11:45 am
Member Since: November 9, 2010
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This is the game I ultimately bought a PS3 for (which, mind you, I don't regret for a second, since if nothing else it means I have to deal less with that POS Xbox 360 for multi-plats).  But each new bit of news points to the distinct possibility of it being vaporware.  Fumito Ueda makes the kind of game that I adore - philosophical and introspective.  So the prospect of seeing it cancelled...well I'll just say that the games industry is better off with Ueda than without him.

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August 16, 2012 - 1:14 pm
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I bought my PS3 for the same reason. I had to have The Last Guardian and would buy the console for just that. Then I acquired the Uncharted games and Demon's Souls and Dark Souls and a few other games I liked, so it won't be a loss, but I will still be very sad if The Last Guardian isn't released. I did pick up the PS3 collection of ICO and Shadow of the Collossus, so I do have that to play.

Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
August 16, 2012 - 2:02 pm
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Agreed Pokey!  The Uncharted series is absolutely superb.  And I say that without having played the last one yet.  And you know how I feel about the Souls games already.  I even picked up Metal Gear Solid 4 (MGS3 firmly on backlog, sigh), but one quick look at the beginning of that one and I think The Kojima has finally lost enough marbles to make his insanity official.

So those are more and excellent reasons for owning a PS3.  But curse you for tempting me to purchase the ICO/Shadow collection when I already own the PS2 versions!  You realize that you are performing a blatantly evil act, yes?


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Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
August 17, 2012 - 12:50 pm
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Oh, but the HD versions are so pretty Botch... so... pretty...

For me as well, The Last Guardian was a primary driver for a PS3 purchase. Valkyria Chronicles, Demon's Souls and the PS3 Slim were what actually pushed me over the edge. But even with Last Guardian nowhere on the horizon, it was well worth the purchase for Uncharted, Heavy Rain, and the aforementioned. I'm eager to get my hands on Guardian, but like Botch I'm beginning to think that its chances of actually shipping grow more and more distant. At this point, even if it does, it'll be near the end of the hardware generation and not likely the performer it might otherwise be. Still, fingers crossed.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
August 17, 2012 - 4:45 pm
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Mmm pretty....wait, stop it!

I was hoping you'd pop in here Steerpike and give us some insider info.  I guess Sony isn't sharing much with anybody.

The PS3 slim was another reason for me too.  That original design was just plain UGLY.

Oh and I've been meaning to give Heavy Rain a go as well.  And truth be told, the ICO/Shadow collection was pretty much an inevitable purchase.

It's interesting how the lot of us were looking forward to TLG in a big way.  Wait, I'm having a deja vu.  Did we discuss this same thing somewhere else on Tap and I'm just creating redundant threads?

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August 18, 2012 - 11:29 am
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I, too, was (am?) looking forward to The Last Guardian if it ever actually releases.  I didn't buy my PS3 for it - I think the culprit would've been Uncharted - but I'll definitely be thoroughly disappointed if it does/has died on the table.

"Home is not a place.  It is wherever your passion takes you."

August 20, 2012 - 7:25 am
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Synonamess Botch said
The PS3 slim was another reason for me too.  That original design was just plain UGLY.

YOU TAKE THAT BACK. So it was glossy and big and heavy and prone to grubby finger prints and hairline scratches and-- okay, it was pretty clunky but I don't think it was too bad. Have you handled a Wii recently? If feels like a tacky plastic toy!

Oh and I've been meaning to give Heavy Rain a go as well.

You should, it has somes issues here and there but it was a platform defining experience for me and my girlfriend. We loved it and spent days talking about it, amongst ourselves and with friends. Definitely check it out. It's not especially long either and should provide a nice change from something like Dark Souls ;-)

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
August 20, 2012 - 8:39 am
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I was hoping you’d pop in here Steerpike and give us some insider info.

I wish I could, but I don't know anyone at Sony associated with that project. I've only heard the same official line - that it's still "very much in development and all is well." Cue breath holding.

Botch, Mat C did a great review of Heavy Rain for us here, and at one point we were all planning to record a podcast discussing it. It's a very worthwhile game, and one you could easily finish in a weekend if you put in the time, so you could get away with renting rather than buying. I'd love to hear your reactions to it. It can be an awfully disturbing game, though, particularly to parents with young kids.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
August 23, 2012 - 1:02 pm
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YOU TAKE THAT BACK. So it was glossy and big and heavy and prone to grubby finger prints and hairline scratches and– okay, it was pretty clunky but I don’t think it was too bad. Have you handled a Wii recently? If feels like a tacky plastic toy!

Hee hee!  Sony has some great technology, but I honestly don't know how they manage to stay successful sometimes.  Yes, I actually own a Nintendo (recent purchase, cheap).  I can't bring myself to use that 'W' word, it's so ridiculous.  It's like an external DVD drive.  At least it's fully BC though.  I've got some wonderful 'Cube games in my library.

Going to check out that Heavy Rain review...

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August 24, 2012 - 3:39 pm
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Synonamess Botch said

YOU TAKE THAT BACK. So it was glossy and big and heavy and prone to grubby finger prints and hairline scratches and– okay, it was pretty clunky but I don’t think it was too bad. Have you handled a Wii recently? If feels like a tacky plastic toy!

Hee hee!  Sony has some great technology, but I honestly don't know how they manage to stay successful sometimes.  Yes, I actually own a Nintendo (recent purchase, cheap).  I can't bring myself to use that 'W' word, it's so ridiculous.  It's like an external DVD drive.  At least it's fully BC though.  I've got some wonderful 'Cube games in my library.

Going to check out that Heavy Rain review...

I actually much prefer the beastly first-run PS3 to the newer ones, in terms of looks, though I can't argue with a larger hard drive and improved hardware stability (not that the original ones had lots of issues in the first place).  Then again, I'm also one of those people who really preferred the original Xbox "Duke" controller to the later, smaller one, so what do I know?

"Home is not a place.  It is wherever your passion takes you."

Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
August 24, 2012 - 11:03 pm
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Brandon I know of at least one other person who preferred the Duke too.  I was (as usual) a late adopter, so never had one.

I don't like the glossy look, so that's probably my biggest reason for disliking it.  They did remove BC, which was a bummer, but since I still have a working PS2 it didn't bother me too much.

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August 28, 2012 - 12:43 pm
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I also fall into the category of "bought a PS3 primarily for The Last Guardian." To add some substance to this discussion, I would like to clarify something for those who may not be aware.

When the worrying all began it was for a few reasons: one, Guardian was not appearing at the conferences/expos/whatevers at the times people expected it to, and when it finally did there didn't seem to be much progress. This is indeed bothersome, but more people panicked over number two: the news the Ueda had left Sony/Team Ico and that he would continue working on the project in a consultant role.

I have read every interview with Ueda since that time, and what was originally (hastily) reported is not entirely accurate. There was no falling out or worry that the game would be cancelled. He has stated in interviews that his role in the project has not changed, ever. What was reported on was simply him restructuring his work contract with Sony. In fairness of course that could be perceived as his role having changed, but he's stated this is not true.

Ueda is on still entirely board, and as much as we're waiting for The Last Guardian, I am sure no one wishes to see it ship more than he. Despite delays, I believe it will come to be, one day.

Just wanted to pass that along for any who weren't aware!

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
August 28, 2012 - 5:20 pm
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Thanks Xtal, I hadn't heard the dreaded news of his "leaving" Sony in quite that light.  Sounds much better than the way it was widely reported at the time.

The other bit of news that prompted this thread was the whole thing about Sony not renewing the trademark.  It turns out they have though.  Another reason to be hopeful.

It's easy to become dubious about a game that was first announced at E3 2009, but then it's not exactly a typical game (presumably) and certainly not a typical developer.

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Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
August 28, 2012 - 8:15 pm
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For all its faults, Sony deserves a lot of commendation for its support of more ambitious, experimental, and artsy types of things. ThatGameCompany owes a lot to Sony, and without them there'd have been no Journey and no Flower. Meanwhile, Sony always seems to have let Team Ico do its thing. In the grand scheme the investment probably isn't crushing, and it seems like Sony leadership recognizes that even if their games don't make a lot of money, it's something that's worth supporting. That they don't lose a lot of money either probably does help.

After Capcom shuttered Clover Studio, Sony was all that remained with a tiny, wholly-owned "art house" project. That they've stood by Team Ico should not be overlooked. After all, think how Ueda's team would have managed under Bobby fucking Kotick.

I certainly hope the project is coming along and no one in Sony brass decides to pull the plug. And I applaud the company for supporting a team like this even though shareholders could legitimately ask if Team Ico is the best use of Sony's resources.

It's like Sony, or someone at Sony, understands that while profit is very important, when you have enough cash to do the right thing, it's also nice to support that.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

January 31, 2013 - 6:02 pm
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First off: my apologies to anyone who saw this thread "necro'd" as they say (Whyyy do they say that? No, I get it. But whyyy?) and thought "oh my god maybe there's TLG news." There is not TLG news. I am sorry.

I just wanted to post a link to Kotaku's helpful timeline which encapsulates pretty much every single thing that has occurred along this bumpy ride. Sadly, 2012 is the sparsest year yet for TLG news and it seems 2013 will be no different. But at the very least, we have comments less than two months old confirming the game is still being worked on.

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

February 1, 2013 - 11:37 am
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The annoying thing is, I don't intend on getting any more consoles (on the basis that I don't use them enough to warrant buying them and having them take up space, and having to replace yet another perfectly functional set of pads. Seriously how many Playstation pads must I own? At least the Wii supported the GC pads and memory cards) and the PS3 was purchased in part because of TLG and now it seems that it's destined for PS4 which is a pain in the arse. Gah.


February 1, 2013 - 1:50 pm
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Although that did happen with Ico (planned for PS1, slipped to PS2) I don't think it will happen with The Last Guardian. Even if Sony has to support a title that is solely released on PS3 a year into the PS4's life-cycle I believe they would do it rather than risk whatever amount of re-development is required to launch it on a new piece of hardware. I mean, given that we know TLG has been in development for at least 5 years you have to believe the brass at Sony who truly believe the title can be successful will want to fuck with the development as little as possible at this point.

Or maybe that's just my wishful thinking. God I hope this game makes it . . .

But I really do think if/when it sees the light of day it will remain a PS3 title.

TL;DR: Gregg, don't toss your PS3 in the garbage just yet :)

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
February 1, 2013 - 11:26 pm
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It's dependent on the technology. PS3's architecture is radically different from most console hardware - radically different from PS4's (soon-to-be-announced) hardware as well. If TLG's engine is a proprietary creation, it's likely to stay on the Playstation 3 because they'd probably have to redo the engine to make it work elsewhere. If it's not, if it's based on an engine someone actually created with usefulness and portability in mind, suddenly converting to a new generation is much more likely.

If you're building a PS3 exclusive and building your own engine, there's no reason to make it widely compatible with anything except the PS3's Cell architecture. But Cell never caught on despite its power, and all signs point to even Sony abandoning it; if PS4's hardware uses anything but x86, I'll eat a hat*.

Wherever TLG is in development, after sixteen years or whatever it's been they can't/shouldn't realistically turn around and rebuild it on a new engine for a next-gen console... unless of course brass decides that the game could run fine on a different engine, in which case yes, we might well be buying PS4s to enjoy the game.

I too bought a PS3 in part with The Last Guardian in mind. Seems odd now, after so many years of enjoyment of the system. I finally succumbed when the Slim came out: Valkyria Chronicles, Heavy Rain, Demon's Souls, and TLG seemed like strong enough reasons, even though only the first was actually out at the time I bought it. Hopefully they'll put this thing to bed, before it goes too much farther. But since Sony executives are being pretty clear that it very well might not be a 2013 release, I'm less convinced that we'll see it on the current generation. I sure hope we do!



*made out of food.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

February 6, 2013 - 6:31 pm
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Amid the post-job interview fallout last week I forgot that I made a post here. For some reason I thought TLG was being considered as a PS4 release... must have got my wires crossed somewhere. Either way, yes, it does seem silly to port it over at this stage, given how long the thing has been in development. I want it to be the PS3's swan song!

@xtal: To be fair, I think tossing my fat PS3 into the garbage would just damage the bin.

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
February 6, 2013 - 7:18 pm
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I hear you, Gregg. What better way to close out the life of the PS3 than with a Fumito Ueda game? You can't beat that.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

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