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Spike's fledgling adventures in Fallout 3 modding: A Virgin's Journey
August 14, 2010 - 8:34 am
Member Since: July 2, 2009
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I did use FOMM for most of the mods--though some didn't have FOMM modules.  I seem to remember using FO3E too but it was a few months ago when I did it.


I don't even remember why I installed Win7--though probably Steerpike had something to do with it.  [Image Can Not Be Found]


I do not recommend switching to Win7 until that killer game comes along that forces you to.

October 4, 2010 - 5:59 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
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Ernest said:

I did use FOMM for most of the mods--though some didn't have FOMM modules.  I seem to remember using FO3E too but it was a few months ago when I did it.


I don't even remember why I installed Win7--though probably Steerpike had something to do with it.  [Image Can Not Be Found]


I do not recommend switching to Win7 until that killer game comes along that forces you to.

Ernest, have you got your modded F3 working again without crashes and freezes?

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

October 4, 2010 - 6:22 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
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I've completed most of my quest mods.  I didn't like a couple, so never finished them.  I have 2 that I will keep - in one case I have to "find a guy" who once was wandering around Megaton.  But as I was working on another quest the times I saw him, I brushed him off and told him I'd come back later.  Then he disappeared.  I can't finish that quest without finding him again.  Apparently he wanders in several locations.

Over the weekend I uninstalled my completed mods, and the ones I didn't like.  I then downloaded new ones which I will install over the next couple of days.

One of my new mods will take me to Reykjavik, Iceland, and another to Cairo, Egypt.  That should be fun.  The Iceland mod requires another mod, called Global Travel System, that scatters various means of transport around the Wasteland that can be use to get to many location both in the Wasteland, and outside of it - like Reykjavik and Cairo. 

My 1st batch of mods came to about 20.  This new batch will be about 25.  Since I had so few problems with the 1st ones, I thought I'd get a bit adventurous with the new ones.

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
October 4, 2010 - 6:28 pm
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Spike, I don't think anyone has ever gotten their money's worth for a game to the degree that you have with Fallout 3. That makes me very happy. And with New Vegas just around the corner, there's even more to look forward to! 🙂

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

October 4, 2010 - 8:32 pm
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You're right Steerpike, I have gotten WAY more from this game than I've invested in it. 

Bethesda created a fantastic game.  What really impresses me, though, are those people creating some wonderful mods and giving them away for nothing.  Maybe a few hope to catch Bethesda's attention with their creations, but I think most do it for the love of the game.  As in any group, you've got your "adults" who work hard on their mods, complete them, update as necessary, and offer support to, and answer questions from, players.  Then you've got the "children" who do none of the above.  Guess whose mods are more interesting and trouble-free?  It's easy to make good mod choices just by reading what the creators say, and how they say it.  Too, reading the comments and endorsements helps too.

I've been lucky.  I thought the mod process would be full of problems, but it's been smooth and easy for me.  After 10 months in the Wasteland, with some weeks off here and there for one thing or another, I'm not bored - as long as there are new and interesting things to do, and the modders provide that.

I've decided to fight my occasional weakness for instant gratification and wait for New Vegas.  I will buy it when either the price comes down a bit, or DLC become available, or the GOTY edition comes out.  If I get too impatient, I'll jump when any one of those 3 options comes to pass.

But...every morning when I fire up my Mac I see the Half-Life 2 logos staring at me...then there's the usual gamer's unplayed pile in the cabinet.  And yet, I end up in Megaton more often than not.  The power of a great game.  A few weeks ago I bought an unopened copy of Assassin's Creed (#1).  I had yet to unseal it.  My son came to visit this weekend, and guess what he went home with???  I understand there are mods for Half-Life 2....[Image Can Not Be Found]

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

October 5, 2010 - 8:42 pm
Member Since: July 2, 2009
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I really have enjoyed FO3–when it hasn't crashed.  I finally figured out that apparently something about how it handles cells–its mini-areas–was causing it to slow up/become unstable over time, a problem which I generally can fix by letting myself die and reloading.  A weird problem which reminds me a lot of memory leaks and a weirder fix.


It makes me want to go back and finish Oblivion.  I played that a LOT and never even got to the first oblivion gate!


I must be one of the few people in the world who hasn't been impressed by Civ 5.  I'm so sick of being forced to load Steam.  Arrg!


The Mass Effect and Dragon Age games really grabbed me.  Metro 2033.  I'm currently trying to finish Witcher.  I get bogged down in Vizima.


Wondering what the next great game will be.

October 5, 2010 - 10:24 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
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Ernest said:

 Wondering what the next great game will be.

Why, that would be New Vegas, dontcha think?  [Image Can Not Be Found]

Just started playing my newly remodded F3.  Got just a taste of a few new mods with nary a problem.  Not to say that I won't have some later, but for now, all is well.  Here's my new load order.  Most are quest mods.  A couple add new sources for buying/scavenging stuff. A few are leftovers that I haven't finished yet.  A couple are just for fun, such as the Weighted Companion Cube, which I apparently have to buy from Moira at Craterside Supply (damn if she ain't annoying).

[X] Fallout3.esm
[X] Anchorage.esm
[X] ThePitt.esm
[X] BrokenSteel.esm
[X] PointLookout.esm
[X] Zeta.esm
[X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm
[X] CALIBR.esm
[X] 20th Century Weapons.esm
[X] NewCairo.esm
[X] TheInstitute.esm
[X] CubeExperimental (EN).esm
[X] TNW-ItemList.esm
[X] Arlington_Adventure_03.esm
[X] Globaltravelsystem.esm
[X] GTSEssentials.esm
[X] DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm
[X] stash3.esp
[X] Springvale Camp.esp
[X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp
[X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp
[X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp
[X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp
[X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp
[X] AdamsTrade.esp
[X] DCInteriors_DLC_Collectables.esp
[X] Error Correction.esp
[X] Essential Caravan Merchants.esp
[X] rockville.esp
[X] UndergroundHideout.esp
[X] Arlington_Adventure_Engl.esp
[X] Bastions Legacy.esp
[X] Wasteland Fortifications.esp
[X] Bond's Emporium.esp
[X] WeightedCompanionCube.esp
[X] CEI - CaesarrulezExcessiveInteriorsEN.esp
[X] City Life.esp
[X] DanielsFamilyVault.esp
[X] Evergreen Mills 2.0.esp
[X] Outcast Eastern Outpost.esp
[X] Paradise_City_v1.1.esp
[X] PeachCreekRuins.esp
[X] Item Room.esp
[X] AQFH_D_103.esp
[X] A Trail of Crumbs.esp
[X] TNW-Core.esp
[X] AnArtGallery.esp
[X] The Fairfax Vault fix Version 1.5.0.esp
[ ] The Mantis Imperative - Combat.esp
[X] The Mantis Imperative - Jello.esp
[X] The Mantis Imperative - Mantis.esp
[ ] The Mantis Imperative - Medical.esp
[ ] The Mantis Imperative - XP.esp
[ ] The Mantis Imperative - SkillBooks.esp
[X] New Merged Patch - Oct 4.esp
[X] Reykjavik.esp
[X] Patch #2 Oct. 4.esp

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

October 9, 2010 - 3:28 pm
Member Since: April 19, 2009
Forum Posts: 1685
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Spike, seriously don't even bother with Assassin's Creed (1) if you're interested. Watch a 5 minute summation of it on YouTube and just play Assassin's Creed 2. The latter is one of the best seventh generation games I've played. Though I can't attest how it plays on a PC; it seems tailored to analog sticks, but I guess if you didn't like the keyboard/mouse controls you could always use a game pad ... I always forget those exist.

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

October 9, 2010 - 4:29 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
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I'm boycotting ACII because of the DRM from hell.  Always connected?  Ha!  With Comcast I'd be lucky to play for 30 min. before losing my internet connection.  Now if they release a version in the future without that nasty bit of "screw the consumer" then I'll buy ACII.

Just today I ordered a copy of ACI (new, sealed) to replace the one my son took Ok, not so much "took", as accepted when I offered.  Moms and sons...what can I say?  And I got this one for $2.10 less than the last one.  I can live with that.

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

October 10, 2010 - 8:12 am
Member Since: April 19, 2009
Forum Posts: 1685
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You know, I kind of selfishly forgot about that DRM since I bought AC2 for my 360 last autumn. Whoops.


Well if "[us] people [end up being] the death of [you]" and you get a PS3 some day, check out a demo on there anyway!


For what it's worth you should enjoy AC1 while it's still fresh (maybe the first 5 hours?). After that the game is incredibly repetitive; though if you're like me and can let go to enjoy the grandiose sci-fi fairy tale that is the story of Assassin's Creed, it's entertaining. The conversations with your targets/victims and the leader of your assassins guild, Al Mualim, were my favourite parts of the game.

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

October 10, 2010 - 3:51 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
Forum Posts: 1187
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xtal said:

  After that the game is incredibly repetitive; though if you're like me and can let go to enjoy the grandiose sci-fi fairy tale that is the story of Assassin's Creed, it's entertaining. The conversations with your targets/victims and the leader of your assassins guild, Al Mualim, were my favourite parts of the game.

I, too, have a hard time suspending disbelief when it comes to much sci-fi, but especially fantasy/fairy tale.  What really got me to buy AC were the graphics.  I'm such a sucker for realism and well-done graphics. 

I don't see a PS3 in my future.  There just aren't that many games for it that I want to play.  And I don't want to have to play games in my living room.  It's just too inconvenient, and would require rearranging, and a new chair. 

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

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