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July 2, 2009 - 2:34 pm
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Ooo, excellent guess. I was thinking more global & universal, like Console command or Control screen. Both stretching too far to get the CS.

Hmm, the Construction Set is used to make mods, didn't know user/players were expected to understand how to use it too. This player isn't. gonna.

I'm trying to get the amulet back then post a screen shot so we can compare selves. No Mystic Elf 1000 yd. stare, my facial features are original. But, modded facial textures, hair, body, armor, weapons, and jewelry upgrade pretty much all of me from "vanilla." [Image Can Not Be Found]

July 2, 2009 - 6:28 pm
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I have never come even close to finishing any of the Elder Scrolls games.  In this one, I haven't even activated one of the portals.  Some day maybe I'll finish the Fallout game based on this engine.  Sigh.  Where'd that lethargy come from?

Somewhere in the frozen tundra
July 16, 2009 - 10:10 pm
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I have been quietly moving along and not posting about my play.  But now I have reached some success.  And I am going to crow.

I am now the Arch Mage of the Mages Guild.  Never has an Arch Mage known so little magic.  But I do have a nice tower to live in except all my stuff is still at that Shack that I bought in the Waterfront district and I do like that Shack better so that is still my hangout.

I am also now a Sliencer for the Black Brotherhood.  I was ok with all the quests up until the last one where I had to kill off everyone in the Black Brotherhood hide out in Cheydinhal.   I really liked these people.  They had been good to me.  But I had read that if I did this I would get the best horse in the game -- Shadowmare.  So I hardened my heart and got rid of all of them.  And Shadowmare does move fast and I understand that you can get him to be a carrier for some of your stuff.  And given my original decision about what kind of character I would be,  I am not that strong even after putting a lot of level up points into strengh. 

The main thing of value I have learned from playing Oblivion is that I really am not the RPG type of character I always thought I was -- mainly a mage.   Not so.  Early on gathering stuff in the outland to make potions was fun and then I could sell them to make money and some of them of worth having to keep me alive.  But alchemy is now a bore. It is easier to buy potions now that I can afford them.  And always having to figure out what scroll or spell to use is more than I want to think about.   I love spells but I only want real destruction or alteration ones and destruction and alteration aren't even major skills for me.   

I am not a Mage.  What I am is a sneak with great marksmanship ability with the bow and a good light sword fighter.  I now wish I had started with higher strength so I could carry more booty to sell to get the potions and spells I want.

But I move along as best I can as a nonmagical Arch Mage who asassinates people I like to get a good horse.

I am have fun.  And what more can one ask of a mindless (and they aren't all mindless) rpg. 


Imagine life with no hypothetical situations. 

July 16, 2009 - 11:05 pm
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Kay, it's good to hear you're still playing and having fun. I'm just wondering how you're finding spell making and item enchanting. I found that I was having a hard time (as top person in the Mage's Guild) to make anything more interesting than that which I could find in the dungeons. I want you to report on this problem with fresh eyes Kay. I found I couldn't empower the items past a certain level without resorting to black soul gems which were a total pain to come up with.

If it's any consolation, I was never the player I expected to be either. Black eyed ether warping spell caster or buffed barbarian smiter maybe, but Helmut, caster of paralysis on the steepest of hillside and runner awayer  hardly has a legendary ring.

I finished a Fighter's Guild quest in Daggerfall today in under 2 minutes.  I quick travelled to a tiny village, found the house first thing, killed the sabre toothed tiger in 10 seconds, and spent the last 1:30 getting back across Daggerfall city on my hoss.  That was it. Alternating this with 3 hour dungeon romps where you kill endless creatures but can't carry the loot and can't find the thing you're supposed to kill/collect and once you do you can't find your way out… so, while the quests in Oblivion might not all be that great they are, in retrospect, better than I gave them credit for.

Edit: And do try to catch the sun setting into the sea from a high point above Anvil. For some reason I was up there waiting to finish something or other and there were forget-me-nots growing from a nearby column and the view was very nice.

My Dark Souls single player sensibilities are protected by a +10 GfWL Firewall of Ineptitude


July 17, 2009 - 9:10 pm
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Yay to Kay.

I'm almost lvl 10, a fire-blaster with a stat-sucking sword. If foes don't burn from a distance, they get slashed to bits at arms* length. From the tutorial I knew I couldn't (accurately) aim a bow & shoot before the target was on top of me. Targeting spell destruction seems to be more forgiving.

I own the haunted home in Anvil but it's much more grand than I need. This time around I'm trying to walk in The Path of Scout - in other words, sell everything & travel light.

* is that arm's length, arms' length?

July 17, 2009 - 11:57 pm
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Depends on whether or not your arms are of equal length.  My left leg is 1/2 inch longer than the right, but my right arm is about the same 1/2 inch longer than the left.  Equally unequal.  For me it is "arm's lengths".  If yours are equal, then it is "arms' length"  for you.

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."


July 18, 2009 - 12:56 am
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Spike, what a great response. You must have driven your teachers nuts.

First word that popped into my head was: pedantic. [Image Can Not Be Found] I cannot fathom what prompted you to find out such precise information. All I know is that I do have two arms and two legs, all thankfully still serving their assigned purpose. As per discussion in other threads, I believe the consensus @ T-R is: size doesn't matter. [Image Can Not Be Found]

P.S. I want some keystrokes that designate Tap-Repeatedly. What could be that backward arrow?

xxx = tap repeatedly?

X <-


TR = boring…

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July 19, 2009 - 4:44 am
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Classy new Avatar, Yapette.  You know, bar the unofficial mods, I have really found that Morrowind is such a bigger game than Oblivion.  In Oblivion, the only things I haven't done yet, are 1) do the Ultimate few Thieve's quests (done most) ; 2)the ultimate few Daedra quests (done most) and thirdly, I have not ventured into Vampire territory yet.

Since I had quite a bit more than that outstanding in Morrowind, I decided to strike out once again as a Telvanni member, to do all the missing quests, for the first time ever not playing Vanilla, at the insistence of a friend, and boy, have I discovered the world of mods big-time!  [Image Can Not Be Found]  My Morrowind is now suuuch a pretty place!  [Image Can Not Be Found]

Heheheh, so when I move on to doing the last unfinished bits of Oblivion, it's going to be a modfest...    [Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found] Hey, we need an evil grin smiley on here, or some equivalent.. and/or ROFL/terrible laughter


July 19, 2009 - 4:31 pm
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Traveller —> [Image Can Not Be Found]

I'm currently collecting mods for Morrowind, to be played next. Years ago I finished the main story but never entered either expansion.

My Oblivion has ~ 150 mods with plans to install major quests ones after I make it to endgame. Except for crashing at gates/new areas as soon as I complete the next step in the Kvatch Rebuilt mod, my game is running very smoothly. As this mod has too many intertwingles [new word] to chance uninstall, I'm letting this quest pend (which drives me nuts), perhaps forever.  When I've reached the end-of-ends with a clean save, I'll chance corrupting the entire install.

Have you seen this site? I'm going to use his guidelines for modding my MW especially since his links are to fairly recent editions.  Never one to leave well enough alone, there will be many additional mods I can't live without. Like permanently removing cliff racers [Image Can Not Be Found], changing dates to Gregorian, and slowing down the day/night cycle.

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July 20, 2009 - 8:26 am
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Yapette said:

Traveller —> Up_to_Something

" Years ago I finished the main story but never entered either expansion. "

Heresy! (Don't worry, I have not finished Planescape Torment yet  Up_to_Something ) You cannot let this travesty of gaming continue too long... you'll have to do something about that soon...  Ok Tribunal is something else, though. It's weird and more intense than the main Mw or Bloodmoon, but seriously, it's a must play.

"Have you seen this site? "

Sadly, something seems to be blocking me from linking. But I love Texnexus for mods. 

"Like permanently removing cliff racers Lara,  " 

I've got a very cool one that just makes them not attack you unless they are diseased. So you can still take some target practise when you feel like it. Up_to_Something

I'll go look for it and link you in a seperate post so i can boost my post count a bit...  Up_to_Something      [Image Can Not Be Found]    [Image Can Not Be Found]

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July 20, 2009 - 8:32 am
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Oops, it seems I have not quite got the hang of quoting yet...  [Image Can Not Be Found]   err... that was honestly not an attempt to boost my post-count..  -honest  Up_to_Something

No, really  [Image Can Not Be Found]


July 20, 2009 - 12:14 pm
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[Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found]

So you can copy & paste into a browser.

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July 20, 2009 - 12:41 pm
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Heh, i'm still a bit red-faced here... but thank you. Interestingly, it worked now when i clicked on it..  and, i've never seen it before! Nice, i've bookmarked it.  [Image Can Not Be Found]

Will post you a link to my very nice peaceful cliffracers mod soon, and perhaps mention a few others that i found useful and helpful when it gets closer to the time..

My big thing is, this time around, to become a vampire, which i had never, ever done before.. (Not in Morrowind, anyway [Image Can Not Be Found] )


July 20, 2009 - 1:00 pm
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Traveller, you have quickly learned about a very annoying feature of this here new fangled Tap-Repeatedly site.

Links in our posts are not underlined or in bold. If you squint close to your monitor, it's possible to see the link word is navy (not black). I'm guessing you tried to link from the word "site" - my link is "this."

Somewhere in the frozen tundra
August 4, 2009 - 5:31 pm
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Here I am trekking on through Oblivion.  Beside being Arch Mage,  I am now the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood. I enjoyed these Dark Brotherhood quests.  I hadn't done any of them in Morrowind

In the main quest,  I am up to Allies for Bruma .  So I have been going around doing stuff for these people in castles so I can then have the honor of closing their Oblivion Gate.   I have discovered that I need to be very sure that I am closing the right Oblivion Gate.  I closed one in Leyawin and the Count didn't acknowlege it.  So I had to find another to close. 

I think I have now closed Anvil, Bravil, Layawin, Chorrol, and also, of course, the first one in Kvatch.  And then the  one in Bruma to teach others how to close them (but they aren't here helping me now).

Let me tell you what I think about this closing gates.   It is not getting anymore interesting.  I have seen most of the variations on Oblivion Worlds and they are getting boring.   I would quit closing these city gates  and move forward but I still am not a really strong character (I think I am 17) and need all the allies I can get.  So I will venture on for a bit.

I also think I might take a side tour soon and work on quests for the Thief Guild (which doesn't really exist except I am a novice member).  I also have Shivering Isles installed and might play around with that a bit.  So I have some things to do before I go to the end game.  

I am still glad I am playing Oblivion .  I have learned (in a big way) that I am not the let's be a mage character I thought I was.  The last Oblivion Gate I closed (Chorrol) I got through the whole thing with sneak and marksman and having enough regain health potions as well as using the blood fountains. 

Well,  I continue onward.  [Image Can Not Be Found]  kay

Imagine life with no hypothetical situations. 

August 5, 2009 - 12:53 pm
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Kay, I think you will like Shivering Isles. It is new territory and a bit darker story. It would be a nice change for you

August 6, 2009 - 11:37 am
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Here is a link to 100 mods you should be playing in Oblivion. I understand that Yapette has 2892123 mods that she has tried personally, but this might be a good place to start.

My Dark Souls single player sensibilities are protected by a +10 GfWL Firewall of Ineptitude


August 6, 2009 - 12:56 pm
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Thanks, Shermut! Maybe I missed a couple. [Image Can Not Be Found]

I have an additional bunch of quest mods to install when the main quest is finished. 2,892,122 are currently running so smoothly I am loathe to change a thing.

Concurrently, my collection of MW mods is growing daily as I prepare for a Fall '09 excursion into Vvardenfell. God Willing I manage to finish Oblivion on weekdays/Gothic II on weekends. Completing tasks in open world crpgs take me almost as long as they would in RL.

Somewhere in the frozen tundra
August 6, 2009 - 8:31 pm
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Pokey said:

Kay, I think you will like Shivering Isles. It is new territory and a bit darker story. It would be a nice change for you.

Thanks, Pokey.   I generally like what you think I will like. 

Tonight I closed the last Oblivion gate for a city (Skingrad).  I have gotten all the allies I can get.  

So I think I will go off and have some fun before I go into the end game.  I am  going to do some Thief Quests.  And I am going to get out to Shivering Isles and see what that is about.

I have to say.   Although I have sometimes complained,   I obviously am enjoying this game enough to keep on going.  One secret to this is that I find this such a low stress game.  I never have the feeling of total fear and terror I have had in so many games I loved.  This game for me is like summer reading at the beach.  Not that great but enjoyable and I know I can get through it.

Maybe this is because I have played enough of these games to get over anxiety.  I do not think so.   If I were to replay System Shock 2 I am sure I would still be huddling in corners in total terror.  I miss that feeling of total terror so I suspect I need to look for one of those for my next game.


Imagine life with no hypothetical situations. 

Portland, Oregon
August 10, 2009 - 10:34 am
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Congrats kay. I agree with you take on Oblivion as great summer reading. It's not a life changing game but approached as pure entertainment it works pretty well. I used to use it as a stress reliever.

Steerpike promises that the last Thief game would leave me shrieking in terror, at least in parts. I've yet to pick it up as I'm in a bad gaming slump right now but you might want to ask around about it.

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