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Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
May 6, 2009 - 7:38 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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We got your back, Toger. Between Yap's mods, Scout's unerring support, Kay's gentle humor, Helmut's slightly more irascible humor, and my constant bitching about perceived flaws in the game, we're the perfect network of support. 🙂

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

N.J. U.S.A.
May 6, 2009 - 10:49 am
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Toger said

My copy arrives tomorrow. I'm sure you'll hear lots of whining and restarting.

First off, be sure to save your game just before existing the sewers and heading out into the open world.  It's at this point that Oblivion permits you to fiddle around with your character, changing anything you selected (or was surmised for you) during the introduction section of the game.

There are basically two extremes for setting up characters in Oblivion.

  • Have what you most often use as your main attributes, and
  • Have what you least often use as your main attributes.

The first leads to rapid leveling, and with the default auto-leveling of your opponents, you can end up getting in deeper than you might expect.  Naturally the other tends the opposite way, and can make it tougher at the start.

Finding the right spot for you somewhere between these two is the challenge.

I lean more toward the second, wanting to be sure that by the time my character's ready to level up that I've advanced all the attributes enough so that I can add the maximum amount to those.

I also play with the OOO mod (Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul) which changes much of the auto-leveling in Oblivion among scads of other things.

Portland, Oregon
May 6, 2009 - 10:50 am
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Wasn't the ground safe, like in Morrowind? I played Oblivion for waaaaaaay too long when it first came out and never lost a thing. But after Morrowind I tend not to pile stuff up either The best advice I can give is keep it simple. I played a very simple basher.

Get big sword. Find enemy. Bash until enemy stops moving.

That was the sum total of my Oblivion strategy. For some reason magic didn't appeal to me in this game. Maybe cause it was so crippled. I used a level slow to keep the leveling down and wild animal tame to keep from having to fight every catepillar that crawled across my path but otherwisie, played it straight, no mods. Get those varla stones for going into the Oblivion gatess. Horses are fun but not really needed. I loved it that once my horse attacked ME after I accidently whacked it during a close in fight with a bandit. I had to run for 10 min before it settled down. Fights tended to be hard all the way through due to the "creative" leveling.

See Yap for changing the game completely into something else. I think the mod community has something for every part of the game at this point. Not sure if anything ever gets that odd blandness out of it though. It was....just really bland but for some reason that was exactly what I was wanting at the time. At times though I really struck by the beauty of it. It's not as good as Fallout 3, that is for sure, but it has its charms.

Somewhere, out there...
May 6, 2009 - 1:00 pm
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Thanks for the hints, croaker. I am a save-a-holice when playing RPGs. I've been burned too many times by dying and crashes to the desktop. I'm sure I'll be back for more once I load the game.

For me, there will be no modding as I'm playing the 360 GOTY version, so I'll just have to pay attention. Which should be completely different from how I normally play. [Image Can Not Be Found]

My copy has arrived. I wonder if they'd let me leave work early to play? 😀

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May 6, 2009 - 1:57 pm
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I am trying - insuccessfully - to quit mentioning mods. I know that Kay will be happy with Vanilla Oblivion, Toger can't mod on the 360 and Steerpike doesn't want the hassle.

On the other hand, due to our earlier discussion I just added a modest cabin overlooking Lake Rumare so I have a safe place to store my stuff. [Image Can Not Be Found] (but then, after I killed the evil witch who had the key, my game crashed to desktop. No save.  Unfortunate backstory of mods, Oblivion is fragile).

Yes, Scout, floors seems safe. In last year's game, the chapel at Weynon Priory was wall to wall herbs with gathered flora. Problem was (and is), I love picking but intensely dislike the fiddle-dee-dee of advanced potion making. I did manage in The Witcher, but so much other rpg fiddle-faddle was simplified (weapons, armor) that I had patience to spare.

For the benefit of Toger & Kay, player & NPC leveling in Oblivion has been a major cause of [Image Can Not Be Found].  Players' leveling is based on using major skills…and NPC's levels increase as you do. My leveling is based on XP for tasks accomplished (kill, read, quest, explore, etc) so my advancement is totally different then yours. My npc leveling is also (reasonably) capped so I can dilly-dally if I choose and quests don't become impossibly difficult (hint: do NOT wait until lvl teens to contact XX at Kvatch).

Portland, Oregon
May 6, 2009 - 2:08 pm
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Yapette said:

 (hint: do NOT wait until lvl teens to contact XX at Kvatch).

This can't be stressed enough. Get ye to Kvatch pronto. If you wait and go there around level 12 you will have a very, very tough fight on your hands. I hit it about level 6 and that was bad enough. Without mods, the fighting in Oblvion never really gets easier and in the case of Kvatch it can become downright ridiculous.

Somewhere, out there...
May 6, 2009 - 4:52 pm
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You guys are wanting me to send the game back to Amazon unopened, aren't you? [Image Can Not Be Found]

Note to self: Get thee to Kvatch.

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Somewhere in the frozen tundra
May 6, 2009 - 8:03 pm
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Scout said:

This can't be stressed enough. Get ye to Kvatch pronto. If you wait and go there around level 12 you will have a very, very tough fight on your hands. I hit it about level 6 and that was bad enough. Without mods, the fighting in Oblvion never really gets easier and in the case of Kvatch it can become downright ridiculous.

Oh, oh.   [Image Can Not Be Found]   I got myself to Kvatch pronto.  I found Brother Martin. He wasn't going to leave until everyone could get out.  Some people just annoy me.  So I talked with the soldiers outside and  said I would go through the portal. I did.  I found one soldier there who wants us to save another soldier in the tower. 

I am level 0 I think.  Barely into the game.   I am way over my head.  I started as a wood elf and made my character into stelth, mage, fighter.   I should not be in this terrible place right now.  But what is one to do.   I think maybe I should go back to a previous save and get a bit more experience.   But who knows.

Life is so complex.  

Kay (the seeker)

Imagine life with no hypothetical situations. 

Somewhere in the frozen tundra
May 6, 2009 - 8:05 pm
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Sorry for the double post.  I don't know how to get rid of it.  Kay

Imagine life with no hypothetical situations. 

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
May 6, 2009 - 9:43 pm
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No worries, Kay - TR admin; all-powerful. Your double post is deleted.

I'm still wrestling with my Win7 install, but I just got Oblivion set up and I'm about to install the few mods I use (realistic creatures, BTMod, Elven map). Fallout 3 crashes out of the gate in Win7 for me, so this is all I've got… unless I am distracted by the shininess that is the Oblivion Lost mod for STALKER.

As for your troubles, Kay, don't worry about that - Lvl 0 is maybe a bit early to enter Kvatch; Lvl 12 is very dangerous. I suggest spending a little time in the Chorrol region, doing quests and exploring caves and such, for a bit of experience. Then you should be fine.

Toger, I know you fear nothing so I know you won't send it back unopened. For what it's worth, I enjoyed Oblivion much more on the 360, even though I'll be playing this time on the PC so I can finally run it at super-resolution. Good luck!

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

Portland, Oregon
May 6, 2009 - 10:18 pm
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kaythomas said:

....Martin….Some people just annoy me…. 

Kay (the seeker)

Yeah, that Martin…oi. What a PITA!

Somewhere, out there...
May 7, 2009 - 9:40 am
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Is my face red. I completely forgot Obliviion is first person. Imagine my surprise trying to kill rats when staring at head level and the rodents are nipping at my ankles. [Image Can Not Be Found]

I'm still getting a handle on what the hell I'm doing, but I'm in the catacombs beneath the prison (I think). I have a short blade, katana (which I seem to remember getting off the dead captain), light armor, and a shield I found on a skeleton. I've also found a bow and arrow.

I think at one point I was attacked by a ghost. I remember going down a dark hallway and noticed rats running towards me, but they completely ignored me. I figure if the rats are running away from something, I probably should to. I ran back to where I found the skeleton only to be hit from behind. Scared the bejesus outta me. I jumped, squealed, turned and started swinging. Good times, indeed.

I'm assuming I can wander anywhere and Patrick Stewart will await my return to talk at me some more. That man could read the phone book and I'd listen to him. 😀

Oh, I've gone with a... Dark Elf and named her Dulce Tyme.

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Somewhere in the frozen tundra
May 7, 2009 - 5:55 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
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Thanks Steerpike for the delete and the little pep talk.   I went back to when I left the sewers and have been spending time in the Imperial City  -- checking out the shops, selling stuff,  learning more about what is going on.

Now here is one reason I love this kind of game.   I have been fairly confused about what is going on and who all these people are.   I found the book store.  I spent a good half hour just standing around reading books to understand the back story and what this whole thing is about.  This is so me.  Give me a book store and I will be happy.

I think after exploring the Imperial City a bit more,  I will go out and see what the countryside is like.  Then find a Mage's guild and a Fighter's Guild do a few quests.   Then I expect I may be at level 2 or 3 and will consider if it is time to go rescue Martin.  Or if I should just keep exploring and doing quests for guilds.

From what I have read,   it is level 6 that is going to change a whole lot of stuff in terms of difficulty and the types of opponents I face.  So I think I have quite a bit of time for doing a lot of other stuff first.


Imagine life with no hypothetical situations. 

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
May 8, 2009 - 8:23 am
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The trick is that you have an experience in Kvatch that requires you to be strong enough to defend yourself but not so strong that you can't possibly defend yourself - bear in mind that in unmodded Oblivion, all foes level with you, in an asinine attempt to keep the game difficult throughout. The Kvatch situation (actually both Kvatch situations, if you go all the way) all but demands your attention around level six.

Bear in mind also that the main story arc of the game will not start until you visit Kvatch, so if you don't care about the main quest you can just let the place rot.

Sad news (for me): STALKER works fine in Windows 7, but the Oblivion Lost mod does not. having lost Oblivion Lost, I will get lost in Oblivion, not Oblivion Lost.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
May 9, 2009 - 10:02 am
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Work sucks. I'm running a little late in my participation here.

Just exited the sewers, rusty iron longsword in hand. Next: victory!

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.


May 9, 2009 - 12:22 pm
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Yesterday & last night was face-to-face [Image Can Not Be Found] social interaction with people who worked together 10 years ago in KSA. All of whom, post retirement, are still working in the industry despite a rotten economy. The company must of put something in the water over there (compound, housing, services, owned everything so it's entirely possible. [Image Can Not Be Found])

Now it's the weekend with no Oblivion on this computer. Back to KotOR2 and Sinking Island. My goal in KotOR2 is to complete two planets, nothing more, and call it a game. IMO, spaceship corriders (circa 2004) are interchangeable long gray corriders with planet-specific enemies. [Image Can Not Be Found] Sinking Island is piss-poor in all ways adventure games can be. [Image Can Not Be Found]

Somewhere, out there...
May 9, 2009 - 6:40 pm
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I plan to play later tonight. When I'd played a couple of days ago, I kept getting lost and thought I was going someplace I shouldn't so I found some maps on the Oblivion wiki and feel a bit better. Apparently, I can go wherever the hell I want while in the caves, caverns wherever the hell I am under the prision?

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N.J. U.S.A.
May 11, 2009 - 9:56 am
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Toger said:

Apparently, I can go wherever the hell I want while in the caves, caverns wherever the hell I am under the prision?

Yes, though it's pretty linear through that part as best as I can recall.

Don't worry -- no matter how long you choose to explore by your lonesome you'll find that once you reunite with Jean-Luc and his pals it'll be just in time for the next bit of activity.

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
May 11, 2009 - 10:13 am
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I got my stuff sold, did a little heavy lifting in the arena to bump some skills, and made it to Level 3 before heading out to Weynon Priory, which is where I am now. Next stop: Chorrol.

Yap, talk to me about mods that include fair magicka regen, mods that adjust the charges on magic items, and mods that reduce the absurd prices and use limitations for certain spells. My "Flare" spell just doesn't cut it any more.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.


May 11, 2009 - 12:55 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Heh. I'm using a mod that regens Magicka @ 8x normal speed. Totally cheating, no question. However, it's possible to pick lesser/cheatin' regen rates with the same mod. My way, I cast like I'm using a weapon.

Magicka Regen

I haven't gotten high enough to create a limited charge item and I usually save forever the dropped items like the Goblin Shaman staff. Always thinking an impossibly difficult fight is just around the corner.

There are a couple of major magicka mods for player casters.

Midas Magic is on most best mod lists - adds a shop at Arcanum U. with quests for special, fantastical spells. I installed last year but at the time it was more info that I could handle.

Mighty Magick was the original overhaul, now there are tweaked versions

Supreme Magicka Update midway between Mighty Magicka & Vanilla

It is not beyond me to keep adding mods as I discover annoying game features I want to obliderate. [Image Can Not Be Found]

edit: damn, links are not going where I want them (to). Won't link to search pages with multiple versions of mods. Please go to tesnexus and search Oblivion files for “mighty magick” and “midas” to see more options.

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