At the beginning of September, 100% Certified Member of the Alliance of Awesome and Tap-Repeatedly compadre BnB Gaming hosted their first annual Celebration of Games, a weeklong festival that aimed to celebrate everything great about gaming but more specifically this year: what made us dungeon-dwelling dweebs gamers. Rather than hashing together more words of my own I’ll hand it over to Martin Watts, BnB Gaming Editor-in-Chief:
Though some may tut or roll their eyes in disapproval and disbelief, videogames are becoming — if they haven’t become already — an integral part of human expression, just like music, film and literature. The journey hasn’t been an easy one, either: from humble beginnings in the early ‘70s, where beeping white blocks were the height of interactive entertainment, the games industry has overcome adversity from just about every avenue to sit proudly on its throne as the largest entertainment industry on the planet, producing a medium which supplies both wholesome fun and deeply innovative, engaging story-telling.
That, we think, is worthy of celebration.
There’s a veritable smorgasbord of stuff to peruse through over there, including an article by myself and one by fellow Tapper Mat C, so go and take a look and comment like you were born to.
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