Those damned humans, with their… revolutioning. Why they gotta be all up in our business with their revolutions? And… their… human… ness?
You may not know this, but Tap-Repeatedly has a YouTube Channel. It’s currently quite sparse. And what you’ll find below doesn’t do much to enrich it, to be honest, but as I mention in the video I have a terrible cold and I’m just not in the mood to be profound.
Here’s my short narrated video:
I should point out that there is a HUD in Human Revolution, it just doesn’t appear until after the intro sequence.
And I should also make clear that so far I’m enjoying it a lot, since neither anything I’ve typed up to this point, nor the video, explain.
I’m really sick.
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I’ve been looking at this the past few days and am quite impressed with the content in their trailers on Steam. The one presented as the POV of the resistance to enhancements… good stuff. I over indulged a little during a recent holiday so this will have to wait for the credit card to cool off a bit, but definitely looks worth a play.
Edit: and I must add with a touch of awed respect, you showed that railing who is the BOSS
That railing had it coming!
I can’t decide if I want to play this or not. I’m intrigued by the premise and the trailers have been cleverly done. Still. I’m such a shooter wimp… although, judging from Steerpike’s performance in that vid, I’m not alone. 😀
This and RAGE have appeared out of absolutely nowhere on my purchasing radar. My wallet needs both of them to be crap, but apparently Deus Ex: Human Revolution isn’t.. which leaves me with a problem.
There’s just something about this release that makes me feel like I should play it. The vibe I get from this is almost similar to something like BioShock.. where the whole thing feels like an event that I must experience. An important game that I must play, and that I must play on release. I don’t know if that makes any sense or not.
Oh, and it has free TEAM FORTRESS TWWOOOO ITEMZ!!1!!!!!!!eleven!1!1!!!1!!!
You sounded almost exactly like the “honey badger” guy when the blood showed up.
I think I will get this game at some point.
Before watching the video I was going to wish you to get better soon, but after I heard your “sick voice”, I’m not that sure anymore.
Ok, in the end I hope you get better soon, but try to keep your sexy voice on sometimes. :ninja:
And the game looks good, I’ll definitely try to check it out sometime soon.
I… do sound like the honey badger guy. I didn’t know.
I think I’ll never speak again.
I had no idea. That just made my day.
The revelation that I sound like the honey badger man is not doing wonders for my… anything.
Tap: Setting new standards for internet media every day. They’re just lower standards than we’re accustomed to. =)
Okay, I admit it, I laughed when watching.
Hey Mat C, you may want to avoid RPS’s coverage of RAGE from today if you don’t want more reason to buy it.
Stupid RPS.. making me buy stuff I can’t afford.
I downloaded the original Deus Ex on Steam last night and I’m currently downloading the New Vision texture pack. I’ve started the game about three times before and just drifted off for no particular reason. Hopefully I’ll stick with it this time, if only to play Human Revolution.
We bought this yesterday, but my husband has been waiting so long for it (huge fan of the series) that I’m going to have to wait my turn.
I cracked up at “MY BRAIN!”
Am I the only one that thinks the cover system looks absolutely woeful? Who’s idea was that, I know- someone who wants to appease the Gears of War generation, that’s who.
What a pile of shit, please tell me you don’t have to use it? (See Killzone 3 for a good first person cover system…)
Yeah the cover system surprised me too, Lewis. It’s relevant to consoles because you can’t manoeuver quite as neatly as you could on a PC, where shooters were born.
I suppose the only reason it has to be in there is because the PC version of DXHR is no doubt a console port, as are all bloody “multiple platform” games these days.
In other DXHR news:
That affects the eight people who were planning to buy the game in a brick and mortar.
It just looks absolutely horrendous. I’m stunned anyone even likes it. Peeking over walls in a stealth/tactic orientated game? er….
The cover system is, more than anything, about hiding and sneaking. It has a variety of uses in combat too, and has the fun added elements of letting you look over and around either system of the cover. Additionally, the cover doesn’t have that THIS IS COVER element as much as some other console-centric games. You can shoot blindly from behind cover, pop up and shoot, or pop up, aim with cross hairs/scope, and shoot. Surprisingly versatile really. Also, you die from 1 or 2 hits in this game, so hiding and cover are a MUST.
I do not like the cover system. It means well but makes a number of stupid mistakes that would benefit from much tightening: sticky cover, for example, should be a toggle-able option; you shouldn’t need the spacebar for EVERY SINGLE position change; the transition back to first person after releasing cover is too jarring.
And finally there are too many buttons for a non-sticky cover system. Everyone knows left mouse is shoot and right mouse is aim/secondary fire. Here RMB defaults to “take cover.” You could map it to space, but you need space to jump and swap positions. Space has meant “jump” since time immemorial. Holding either of my thumb buttons for too long gets awkward, especially when aiming through a scope. Right now I have “take cover” mapped to Shift, but even holding THAT down gets annoying.
Graphics, writing, gameplay, all seem quite solid, but the cover controls are shameful. They really are.
I’m not 100% positive Steerpike, but I think you can turn on toggle-able cover in the options somewhere.
I wasn’t wild about it myself at first, but as I got more used to it, I’ve found that I like it a lot more than some other cover systems. It’s a bit more complex, has more meat to it. Give it a little more time, and you me grow to enjoy it.
Oh, I hope so. l don’t mind non-sticky Cover as a rule; but it doesn’t work for me here. I’ll check the settings and report back.
I am a dumbass, but in a good way. Cover can indeed be set to toggle via Gameplay Options. I never looked. Thanks Armand!
I’m sorry Armand but all that you suggested has absolutely no place in a game of this nature and in truth is absolutely crap.
The ability to see round or above the cover your in by manoeuvring the mouse is just a ludicrously shit idea. The whole purpose of cover in a first person shooter is not to be aware, but to peek out – take a shot – and duck back down.
Implementing what they have removes any element of unease about where the enemy might be as you can bloody see them!
Unless I can turn it off, it really turns me away from the game never mind the fact it looks no where near as slick as say.. Vanquish.
This is how you do a 3rd person cover system.
Snagged this yesterday. One thing I’ll say about Steam and the sale culture, I honestly can’t remember the last time I paid full retail price for a game. No matter.
Nice start. Nice ambient soundtrack. Weapons do a surprising amount of damage in both directions. Movement feels a little spongy. I think it’s on account of my aging 8800GT card. Processor use running about 35%, which is a core and a half.
Anyone else read Rainbow’s End by Vinge or Accelerando by Stross? Playing this game makes me feel like I’m living in their worlds.
You should really try it out before you bash it Lewis. Despite what you think it should or shouldn’t be, the game has thus far one of the most enjoyable and deep sneak systems I’ve come across. I don’t even like sneaking games usually cause they’re so poorly implemented, but his game makes it pure joy. Keep in mind you’re playing as a heavily augmented cyborg with complex computer systems running through your system. There is a lot more to it than simple cover mechanics. Your internal computers and radars (which can all be upgraded) will give you all sorts of info about your foes, including directions they’re looking in and degree of awareness. This isn’t some middle ages thief sneaking around here, this is Batman with computerized super powers!
RPS have a thoroughly entertaining “verdict” on DXHR; I read it and haven’t played the game yet. They don’t discuss plot spoilers or anything significant, from what I could tell. And they all seem to agree that it’s the front runner for GOTY.
Also, reading through the comments, a vast majority of folk are calling DXHR closer to Alpha Protocol than anything else. “Except not shit,” claim some.
I am convinced. I am currently downloading it from Steam. Kay
Ho man, I can see why the boss battles are picking up some heat. Utter rubbish. The game is working nicely as a tactical stealth game. There’s a lot of inventory management as you move along, totally manageable since you’re going slowly, picking your spots. Then you get thrown into a run and gun battle straight out of Quake 4. The game does NOT work well when you have many things to do.
I had to concussion grenade Barrett four times, 2 times with an exploding barrel, plus EMP 2X, stun gun 8X. You can’t place a barrel when he’s stunned, since they explode all up yo face. You can’t approach with the stun gun or he’ll magically whip around and engage the beat down animation (which takes forever to execute) and is a real joy.
Save all your grenades. Put the game on easy for the duration of the fight. There is a stun gun in one of the crates to his left (as you first see him), EMP then fetch, then save so you don’t have to watch the FMV over and over. The concussion grenades will push him back to the first barrel and another barrel and all the guns I had were what it took to get rid of him on easy. Plus 45 minutes.
I’ve not even put this game in my cart or muchly researched it. Helmut, but your last post sort of makes me nervous. I’m getting so tired of playing a great level right up to the end only to run smack into a boss fight smelling of dev butt, (as in pulled out of the ass of at the last minute of etc…) Please say this is not the case here. “Utter rubbish” is not giving me the warm fuzzies. I was a click away from downloading Witcher 2 and then DXHR hit the radar.
To be honest, Scout, and to keep your decision easy – you can’t go wrong with either, in my opinion, provided you’ve got a fairly decent PC. Then just grab the other on sale in a few months.
I downleaded DXHR from Steam. But when I try to launch the game, I get this message.
Archive BIGFILE.003 isn’t large enough! (should be at least 1524094975 bytes)
I don’t have a clue what this means or what I should do to correct the situation. Can anyone give me some guidance?
Kay, try and download it again to make sure that something wasn’t corrupted.
Ah, thanks Scout. That was what I was sort of thinking. But I know so little, I wanted to hear someone else say it. I’ll give it a try.
Downloading again solved the problem. Thanks, Scout.
Kay, there’s also a way of verifying the integrity of the downloaded files.
Thanks Helmut. This is nice to know. kay
After reading a spoiler page found on teh interweb, the second boss encounter was entirely simple. That sorta represents the problem with the encounters. It’s entirely possible to find yourself packing the wrong stuff going in, and while you have the opportunity to beef up in the minutes before the encounter, why would you? If you’re cramming stealth stuff into your limited inventory, why would you pick up a rocket launcher? Well, I’ve spent the necessary augmentation points on the category necessary to finish the next few bosses off, and now that’s done and I don’t have to worry about it anymore.
Ensure you have the inventory space before buying stuff! You wont get charged for it if it doesn’t fit, but it will disappear from the seller’s inventory. Some of these items are hard to replace.
Finally started getting into this. Loving it so far. Have to say I’m really enjoying Jenson’s character. Sleuthing around taking down guards before they even know you’re there is pretty empowering. Can’t wait to start experimenting with the Augs..
Matt, or anyone else with the game on PC, are you experiencing any technical issues at all? I seem to have got that stuttering going on regardless of how I alter my settings. After a quick Google it sounds like it’s a known and widespread issue..
Not big on playing it as a stealth game. Didn’t play the original DX as a stealth game, don’t want to play DX:HR as a stealth game. Unfortunately, playing it as a FPS – i.e. shooter – is next to impossible. Either you use the cover system, and you’re playing a very easy third-person shooter; or you don’t use it, and you’re playing a ridiculously hard FPS – hard to the point that the very first time you come up against multiple enemies in an advantageous position (from the top of the stairs looking down on the room with the blown door in the intro sequence), it is almost impossible to kill them without using cover. I tried 5 times, died every time. I tried using cover, and didn’t get hit once.
The game seems hard coded to have AI accuracy depend on whether you are in “cover mode” or not. Really disappointing. I personally dislike third-person shooters, but that’s what DX:HR is.
There do seem to be aspects of the game that are, if not hard-coded, at least designed to encourage a stealth approach. In fairness, though, they never marketed the game as a hardcore shooter, and no DX game really ever has been. I’ll absolutely agree that this one is much less forgiving of the guns-blazing approach than any previous.
The enemy AI is not doing the game any favors.