Via Steam. First with Armand, then with Dobry. Who still owes me a Shogun 2 review.
Conversation with Armand
Never tell your password to anyone.
Bluebogle: I’m running meatboy in the BG while I work just to speed up Portal 2 launch. You must do the same for the benefit of all!
Steerpike: I wonder if I can run a bunch of games at the same time… Defense Grid, Meat Boy, etc
Bluebogle: I thought of that, but don’t think Steam allows it
Steerpike: Curses!
Bluebogle: running 2 games now
Steerpike: So we don’t have to play? I thought there were potatoes to find or something
Bluebogle: I think. They just want people playing cool indie games… and buying cool indie games, and the potato sack.
Bluebogle: nothing like working in photoshop with two games running at the same time
Steerpike: hahaha
Conversation with Jason Dobry
Never tell your password to anyone.
Steerpike: Stop playing Shogun! You need to play one of the Potato Sack games!
Steerpike: Shogun is not in the Potato Sack.
JD: You need to shut it
JD: potatoes are for eating, not playing
Steerpike: Do you want Portal 2 or not?
JD: um…yeah…i guess
Steerpike: Fool, they’re going to release it early if people find enough potatoes!
Steerpike: Boot up Defense Grid! Super Meat Boy! Something from the Sack!
JD: Wait…I don’t need to buy the sack?
JD: i already have a few of those games
Steerpike: You just have to play. Try to find some potatoes.
JD: You know if I buy Portal 2 for Ps3 from Gamestop I get a free Steam version?
Steerpike: I didn’t buy the fucking sack. Jeez.
JD: so how long do i have to find potatoes?
JD: probably gonna go buy the ps3 version then
Steerpike: “probably gonna buy the PS3 version.” You’re dead to me.
JD: and could I just idle my defense grid, would that work?
Steerpike: I don’t care if they give you a blowjob, just start a fucking game
JD: gotta 3work
JD: idle good enough?
Steerpike: What? What does that even mean?
JD: can I idle on defense grid?
Steerpike: I don’t know. Try it. I sense your heart isn’t in this. You’re still dead to me.
JD: portal 2’s just a bunch of jumping puzzles anyway and I HAVE TO WORK
Steerpike: I WILL KILL YOU
Steerpike: And I’m publishing this conversation, just so the world knows your shame
JD: Good! PCs are a dead platform! Adventures games blow! HAHAHAHAHA
Steerpike: I hope you die in a fire
JD: haha nice
Steerpike: It’s not “nice,” it’s meant to shame you
JD: I don’t feel any shame
JD: I feel awesomeness
JD: and a little horny
JD: though I think that was from before our conversation
Steerpike: god, I hope so.
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Oh lord I laughed 🙂
I lol’d twice.
What is this potato shit? We play some games and Portal 2 gets released a day early? Who cares, isn’t it coming out in a week or two anyway? It will arrive when it does.
And it will cost thrice as much ad Portal. Portal 2 is a false idol*.
*I know I will eat my words, but I do not careth.
Let’s just say that, if you have one of “those” consoles and no scruples, that Portal 2 is already released.
But other than that, interesting promotional effort by Valve. Much classier than all that suicide business somebody started on twitter.
Now in fairness to Dobry (who is nonetheless dead to me), he loves Portal as much as the rest of us. He once sang the entirety of “Still Alive” into my voice mail. The above is just the way we talk to each other. 🙂
I laughed. A lot.
And note Steerpike yells at me for playing the game I am currently reviewing, thus encouraging me *not* to review Total War: Shogun 2. All so he can “become reacquainted” with GLAdOS, what, a day early?
I love Still Alive. I can listen to it all day, though only in GLAdOS’s voice, not the folk guy. It loses something with her.
I am nothing if not fickle.
So who else is locked out of their Steam account because of this new SteamGuard thing? I am.
The British do not laugh. So while reading the above, I smiled instead. Smiled HARD.
Oh Steam just fine here.
I miss you folks. Darn it I do.
I, uh, smiled hard as well. SO HARD.
Keeping “Never tell your password to anyone.” was a nice touch.
So… if you get the PS3 version, do you really get the PC version as well? That’s awesome. It just moved up a notch on my radar =)
I want to hear Dobry crooning “Still Alive” into my voicemail!
I might be interested in the PS3 version if that’s true.
I look forward to your Shogun review Dobbers. I assume it’s okay to call you that.
Makes the PS3 version a must for me. I’ve no doubt the PC version is thee version to play, but it’s a helluva lot easier for me personally to sit and play games on my PS3, and for those times when I do want to boot it up when I’m at my computer (read: when I finally get round to buying a decent PC), having it in my Steam list will be a huge bonus.
There’s quite a few neat Steam features tucked into the PS3 version, too.
More games need to do this.
If you buy a PS3 version, you do, in fact, get a free copy for your PC or Mac, provided you link your PSN and Steam accounts. (
Valve says it will be an easy operation.
You do not need to buy it from Gamestop. I preordered mine from Amazon (thus making potatoes irrelevant, but I had a gift certificate).
When playing the PS3 version, you can play with your PC Steam friends as if you were playing on your PC. I don’t know if saved games will transfer, but it seems like they would not.
Oh, and Dobbers works fine. Also Dobz, Dobzilla, JD, Jay, and Hater of All Life.
I wish they’d do the multi-platform purchase for Battlefield 3 because I don’t know whether to pick it up for PS3 or PC and it would solve my dilemma. Maybe other companies are watching this and will take note.
One of the rare occasions where the 360 version of a game is obviously the inferior and least desirable. Of course with Portal 2 I always knew it would be a PC purchase … The Orange Box on console made me weep for a mouse and keyboard.
This is a great deal with the PS3 version, but I’m more enthused about the cross-platform play. That’s grand, really.
Now if only my bloody internet hadn’t gone down for 2 hours tonight my pre-load would already be complete… damn you, Armand, with your “In-Game, Portal 2” status taunting me!
Cripes. This all sounds ruddy brilliant. Cross-platform play and buy one format get one free? Only Valve could do this because of Steam but it’s yet another example of them using it to incredible effect. Wow, quite frankly.
And yes, I’d like Battlefield 3 on two platforms as well. My computer will be nowhere near good enough to run it but it’d be nice to know that I could play either version and join my PS3 or PC friends as and when I get an upgrade. If it was cross-platform then Fuck Yes.
It’s stuff like this why I don’t hold it against Valve when their Steam Guard system doesn’t work as planned and locks me out of Steam for a day. This is a company that makes millions while still always keeping its customers in mind. What would the customers want. What would a cool thing to do for the customers be. What would be a fun way to get customers to try indie games. What else can we GIVE AWAY just because we can.
I missed the release window last night but you can be assured I’ll be Portaling to my cold stone heart’s content this evening!
Would you all believe that 6gb into the 10gb download of Portal 2 my modem has died. I won’t have internet for 2 days. That’s the longest I’ve had no internet since the fucking ’90s…
Shit xtal, it’s a good job you don’t give a rat’s ass about sequels…
Having now played through about half of the single player I can say here what I told Gregg last night: It’s really, really, really, really, really, really fucking good!
It’s like they condensed the brilliance of the first game into a liquid and pumped it directly into the player’s veins.
Portal 2: It’s like they condensed the brilliance of the first game into a liquid and pumped it directly into the player’s veins.
If that doesn’t appear on the box then Valve clearly don’t know what they’re doing.
Dammit! My eyes are getting dilated! I won’t be able to play for hours!
I’ve not heard a single bad thing about this. The reviews are off the charts and the feedback from gamers is extraordinary.
I won’t be bagging my copy until next week, but to get myself in the mood I’m going to finally finish Portal 1..
Hah hah, right on Mat! I played through the first one yesterday, and finished it about 30 minutes before I got the second one. It was truly awesome!
Fantastic. I’ve now decided to beat myself over the head with a rolled up newspaper shouting “No. No. Bad dog” at myself for leaving it so long to play and finish this game. Awesome stuff.. very entertaining finale. All set for the sequel now.
After finishing Portal the first thing I did was boot up Half-Life 2 and continue my progress with that. I’ll be a l33t PC gamer in no time.
See Gregg, I’m simply morally opposed to sequels. Once they’re finally there I’ll suck it up and indulge like the rest.
Note: my dying borkened internet connection is on the fritz, but I’m happy to report it is up and down, and not just 100% down, so I was able to finish the download.
So far the game is perfect. Obviously.
I played the first 2 chapters yesterday. Just fantastic! This game just oozes charm. Your little robot companion in the beginning already has more character and personality in 30 minutes of play than most characters in 40 hour RPG’s. There’s definitely some talent over there at Valve.
And the game is hilarious. Hard to play it without a constant smile on your face and plenty of actual laugh out loud moment.
Tanis38 is right. This game is joy. I stopped myself after 11 test chambers last night just to extend the fun!
I’m, uh…waiting for my PS3 version to arrive from Amazon. I think it shipped yesterday, so I have to wait. On the plus side, this gives me more time to enjoy Shogun 2 AND I’ll have a PC version. I’ll take some time to compare and contrast the two. Maybe I’ll make a short article out of it if there’s enough to say.
It finally arrived! The irony, of course, is that while GLaDoS was working hard to release Portal 2 early on Steam, she was working hard to punish me for betraying her to the PS3. PSN has been down for a week following a “hacker attack.” No PC for me, for now.
I’m sorry, GLaDoS. I’m being so sincere right now.
“Well the test results are in. You are a horrible person. That’s what it says. ‘A horrible person’. We weren’t even testing for that. “
IT ARRIVED!! But PSN is still down. No Stacking, no Portal 2… eleven consecutive days off and PSN goes down.